The LCA (Applied Control Lab, in english) belongs to the Automation and Control Laboratory (LAC – Laboratório de Automação e Controle) from the Department of Telecommunication and Control Engineering (PTC) at Escola Politécnica of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). The lab was created in 2016 in order to develop researches related to control theory practical applications and control plants design.
Basically, the activities developed in the lab are:
- Application of control algorithms in practical systems: several of control strategies preented in undergrad courses are limited to theoretical examples. With a real system, the learning motivation is amplified.
- Development of control plant prototypes: high quality didactic equipments are expensive. Therefore, one of our missions is to develop low-cost protorypes with all the features of a comercial one. In the future, such protorypes may equip the didactic control lab of our school.
- Foramtion of qualified human resources: the laboratory has students with research in the scope of scientific initiation, undergraduate thesis, masters and doctorate.