Author: Fabiano dos Santos Cursi


Guilherme Bresciani Master’s Qualification Exam

Was held in this Friday, 15th, the master’s qualification exam of Guilherme Bueno Bresciani, the LEEA master’s student, wich presented the work entitled “Microwave synthesis and application of bimetallic PdFe/C alloys for glycerol oxidation”....


Commercial test for diagnosis of Covid-19

The LEEA is a laboratory linked to the INCT-DATREM, which published a text to disseminate knowledge about a rapid test for the detection of the new coronavirus (Covid-19), which can be read at the...


Jesimiel Antônio Master’s Qualification Exam

Was held in this Friday, 27th, the master’s qualification exam of Jesimiel Glaycon Rodrigues Antônio, the LEEA master’s student, wich presented the work entitled “Preparation and characterization of bioanodes for hybrid enzymatic biocells operating...