
USP – Polytechnic School
Civil Engineering Building
Office: 43 (PEF)
Ph: +55 11 3091-5607

Luís A. G. Bitencourt Jr.

BEng, MSc and DSc in Civil Engineering
Professor (Assistant) at University of Sao Paulo – Brazil
Dept. of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering

CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (PQ-1D)

I graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Para (UFPA – Brazil) in 2006 and received my MSc from the University of Sao Paulo (USP – Brazil) in 2009. Between 2010 and 2014, I pursued my doctoral studies at USP with part-time research at the University of Toronto (UofT – Canada) as part of a research project on the use of fiber-reinforced concrete as a structural material. During this period, I developed multiscale numerical models for concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete and was awarded a DSc in Civil Engineering in 2014. In 2015, I joined the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo as an Assistant Professor.

Since 2023, I have been a Brazilian Research Productivity Fellow – CNPq (PQ-1D), and currently, I am the Principal Investigator of research projects granted by CNPq (grant n. 406205/2021-3) and FAPESP (grant n. 2022/03179-0) focused on numerical and experimental topics on material and structural behaviors.

My current research interests include the development of multiscale models for simulating fracture processes in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete, rocks, and bones. Computational simulations also include the use of machine learning to predict the behavior of structures. I have also been developing discrete fracture models for the numerical simulation of fluid transport in naturally fractured porous media. The experimental research has focused on the mechanical characterization of composite materials with cement matrix and testing of large-scale structural models, including the use of image processing techniques for the identification of strain localization and crack propagation.

On this homepage, you can find information about the research projects under development, graduate students under my supervision, our latest publications in journals, and a data repository where we share the results of our research projects. If you’re interested in any research topic or the results of our research, please contact me by email ( I welcome inquiries from postgraduates who wish to study for a DSc in my research areas.