Current Students
DSc Students

[Amanda] Tafuri Costa, MSc
Laboratory of Materials and Structures
Interest: Ultra-high performance fiber
reinforced concrete

[Felipe] Augusto da Silva Barbosa, MSc
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Ultra-high performance fiber
reinforced concrete

[Januário] Pellegrino Neto, MSc
Laboratory of Materials and Structures
Interest: Shear behavior of steel
fiber reinforced concrete beams

[Paulo] Eduardo Nogueira, MSc
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Ultra-high performance computing
and fracture modeling of bone structures

[Jullia] Werner, MSc
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Multiscale modeling of segmented
ring behavior for tunnels

[Paulo Vitor] Calmon N. da Gama, MSc
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Numerical modeling of
prestressed concrete structures
MSc Students

[Giuliano] Rosman Balsamo, BEng
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: SFRC beams subjected to torsion

[Paulo] Eduardo Silva Machado, BEng
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Design of RC Structures Through
the Generative Tie Method with Adaptive Model

[Rodolfo] Bascopé Careaga, BEng
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Tension stiffening and rebar pullout
on steel fiber recycled aggregate concrete
Undergraduate Research Students

[Gabriel] Fernandes Dias
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Compressive behavior of SFRC
and Micro-CT

[Heloísa] Apulcro do Nascimento
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics
Room: S-123
Interest: Numerical simulation of
3D concrete printing
Former Students
- [2024] Thais da Silva Rocha, BEng, MSc and DSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio
Date of defense: 29th April 2024
Doctoral Thesis (in English): Short- and long-term pullout behavior of synthetic macrofibers
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Carlos Taissum Cardoso (PUC-Rio)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2023] Gabriel Emídio Lage, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 11th December 2023
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): A machine learning framework to predict post-cracking parameters and shear strength in SFRC beams
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomaz Eduardo Teixeira (University of Campinas – UNICAMP)
- [2023] Amanda Tafuri Costa, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 11th October 2023
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Concreto com agregado reciclado de concreto reforçado com fibras de aço: da caracterização do material à aplicação estrutural
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo (University of São Paulo – USP)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2023] Marcos Vinicius Gil Silveira, BEng, MSc and DSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 28th July 2023
Doctoral Thesis (in English): Development and evaluation of performance-based design methodologies for reinforced concrete deep beams: experimental and numerical investigations
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. PhD Sreekanta Das (University of Windsor – UWindsor)
- [2023] Noemi Ayumi Nishiye Umezak, BEng
- [2023] Bruno Toledo de Vasconcelos, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 28th June 2023
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Numerical modeling of the cracking process in SFRC through finite elements with embedded discontinuity
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2023] Kennedy Leandro de Souza Neves, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 31st May 2023
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Development of a Digital Twin to predict structural failures in FPSO hull
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini (University of São Paulo – USP)
- [2023] André Peres da Silva, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 19th May 2023
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Computational modeling of the distribution and orientation of steel fibers in FRC
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2023] Ludmily da Silva Pereira, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense:
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Predição do comportamento pós-fissuração do CRFA utilizando o ensaio DEWS simplificado e sua correlação com o ensaio de flexão
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Renata Monte (University of São Paulo – USP)
- [2022] Felipe Pereira Santos, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 5th July 2022
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Analysis of the double punch test applied for steel fiber reinforced shotcrete mechanical characterization
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo (University of São Paulo – USP)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2022] Tiago Haddad Maum, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 27th June 2022
Master’s dissertation (in English): Analytical and numerical study on concrete local behavior in thrust phase of TBM-constructed tunnels
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo (University of São Paulo – USP)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2022] Guilherme Gianotti de Andrade, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 24th June 2022
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Analytical and computational study of the bending behavior of segments with hybrid reinforcement for tunneling
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo (University of São Paulo – USP)
- [2022] Maria Luísa Ribeiro Mineiro, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 18th February 2022
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Pullout behavior of steel fibers: experimental tests, analytical predictions and numerical modeling
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2022] Livia Fernanda Araujo Borges, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 8th December 2021
Master’s dissertation (in English): An embedded discrete fracture model based on the use of coupling finite elements for modeling fluid flow in naturally fractured porous media
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Luís Manzoli (São Paulo State University – UNESP)
- [2020] Marcos André Margalho de Barros, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 04th February 2020
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Modeling of the cracking process in cortical bone via the mesh fragmentation technique
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2019] Marco Tosati, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP)
Date of defense: 25th February 2019
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Estudo sobre a aplicabilidade de um novo método de acoplamento para malhas não conformes de elementos finitos em projetos mecânicos
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Luís Manzoli (São Paulo State University – UNESP)
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2018] Yasmin Teixeira Trindade, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 18th November 2018
Master’s dissertation (in English): Numerical modeling of the post-cracking behavior of SFRC and its application on design of beams according to fib Model Code 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr
- [2018] André Del Negro Tayer, BEng and MSc
Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Date of defense: 06th June 2018
Master’s dissertation (in Portuguese): Numerical modeling of mortar joints in masonry structures using finite elements with high aspect ratio
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís A.G. Bitencourt Jr