About the LipidBioRedox lab
The group investigates the formation of oxidized lipids and their biological effects on chronic degenerative diseases using omics methodologies based on mass spectrometry. Ongoing projects focus on understanding the role of oxidized lipids on mechanisms of protein aggregation and modification. The lab also develops analytical methodologies to identify biomarkers and works at therapeutic compound screening.

Lipids may help in the diagnosis of diseases
Lipid biomarkers can indicate dysfunctions when identified as altered in some pathological conditions. The individual structure of each lipid is defined by the measurement of its mass by a spectrometer. Disease-related lipid biomarkers are currently being investigated in blood samples. Some tests have already been made in humans for diagnosing diseases like Zika, cancer, and even degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The disease diagnosis can be revolutionized by the incorporation of lipidomic tests.

Imagem retirada do Jornal da USP
In rats affected by ALS, studies have identified an accumulation of cholesteryl esters - uncommon at the central nervous system - as well as a decrease in cardiolipin levels - a lipid found at mitochondria - at their spinal cord. The characterization and quantification of all the many lipids present at CNS allowed the opening of new treatment possibilities to be studied. More information can be found at ALS News Today and Scientific Reports.
Instituto de Química
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748
Cidade Universitária - Butantã
São Paulo - SP
CEP 05508-000