CEPID Multi-User Mass Spectrometer Q-TOF (TripleTOF6600) from CEPID-Redoxoma

Description of the equipments
The multi-user mass spectrometer Triple-TOF6600 (Sciex) was acquired by the CEPID-Redoxoma project (FAPESP Proc. No. # 13-07937-8) coordinated by Profa. Ohara Augusto. The euipment is part of the Redox Analysis Platform (RAP-Redox Analysis Platform), a facilitiry of the Redoxoma group and is installed at the Instituto de Química-USP.
The mass spectrometer consists of a Q-TOF analyzer (LC-Q-TOF-MS / MS) and Duo-Spray (ESI and APCI) and Nano-Spray ionization sources. This system provides high performance, high acquisition speed (up to 100 spectra / s), high resolution (up to 35000 in TOFMS mod and 30000 in MS / MS mode) and reproducibility, fundamental characteristics for quantitative studies of biomolecules. The mass spectrometer is coupled to two interchangeable liquid chromatography systems:
-Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography, UHPLC (Nexera, Shimadzu)
-Nano-flow Liquid Chromatography (NanoAcquity-UPLC Waters)
Information on how to use the equipment can be fund at the Redoxoma website.
Rules for Utilization
1. The LC-Q-TOF-MS / MS system is avaiable for use by the entire public or private scientific community. Interested parties should contact Professor Sayuri Miyamoto (miyamoto@iq.usp.br).
2. The operation of equipment can only be performed by students and/or technicians with advanced knowledge about mass spectrometry and who have intensive training in operating the equipment.
3. All equipment users are required to pat an equipment maintenance fee. This fee will be charged per hour of use.
4. The fee does not include costs realted to sample preparation steps (internal standards, vials, lids, septa, filters, solvents and other specific reagents and materials).
5. Funds generated constitute a fund for the maintenance of the equipment and will be managed by FUSP (Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo).
-Users should express thanks to FAPESP in any scientific dissemination (congresses, scientific articles and others) in which results obtained using the equipment are listed.
Composition of amount charged
1. The following fees will be charged for the use of equipment
-Academic scientific community: R$100.00/h
-Private scientific community: costs will depend on analysis type to be performed.
2. Payments will be made upon payment of bank slip. The invoice will be issued in name of FUSP.
Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo – FUSP.
Av. Afrânio Peixoto, 14 – Butantã
CEP 05507-000 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil
CNPJ.: 68.314.830/0001-27