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Photodynamic Therapy for skin cancer

Photodynamic Therapy for skin cancer

This research field started in 1996 with a also innovative approach: the development of delivery systems and vehicles that optimize the release of photosensitizers and their precursors in the skin, a theme that was then considered an important gap for the consolidation of Therapy. The research carried out provided the development of experimental models in vitro and in vivo for the study of formulations for PDT, drug delivery systems (liposomes, liquid crystals and microemulsions), exploration of the proposal of prodrugs (acid derivatives esters) as 5-aminolevulinic for PDT. So far, the research developed in this field through several publications in journals of great impact in the field of Pharmacy and, more importantly, several citations in publications by the most renowned groups from abroad working in the field of Photodynamic Therapy. It can be said that the group has become a reference in the pharmacotechnical development of formulations and drug administration techniques in Photodynamic Therapy and photodiagnosis. The newest activity of the group started in 2004, with the approach of nitric oxide releasing compounds for the Topical Photodynamic Therapy of Skin Cancer, an innovative approach in relation to the topical application of these compounds and, also for the development of delivery systems that optimize the release of these compounds in the skin. Intellectual property was also generated through two patent filings at the National Institute of Intellectual Property (PI n. 0206723-4 and PI n. 0206724-2). This line continues to rise in the group, which sees exciting possibilities for scientific, technological development and clinical application for the therapy of a disease with a high incidence in the world population, skin cancer.