Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability
Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability
Level: Doctor’s degree
Basic Subject
Field(s) of Study: Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability
Class Load: 60
Credits: 4
Social and economic impacts from the production of bioenergy. Socioeconomic indicators. Impacts on micro and macro economy.
Employment generation. Production models. New businesses derived from bioenergy. Production expansion and impacts. Relation of energy production to other economic activities, rural or not. Food versus Bioenergy. Land use planning. Direct and indirect impacts of land use. International trade and protectionism. Biological Indicators for Assessment of Impacts on Soil, Water and Air; Physical-Chemical Sensors for Measurement of Impacts on Soil, Water and Air; Methods of Analysis for Biofuel Certification and Analytical Methods for Assessment of Impacts on Biodiversity.
Sugarcane Bioethanol: R&D for productivity and sustainability; ISBN 978-85-212-0530-2, Coord: Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez , Editora Edgard Blucher, 2010, 992p.
Sustainability of sugarcane bioenergy, Poppe, M.K.; Cortez, L.A.B. editors, Center for Strategic Studies and Management (CGEE), 2012.
NOGUEIRA, L. A. H. . Biocombustíveis na América Latina: situação atual e perspectivas. 1. ed. São Paulo: Fundação Memorial da América Latina, 2007. v. 1. 80 p.
NOGUEIRA, L. A. H. ; SEABRA, J. E. A. ; Best, G. ; Leal, M.R.L.V. ; Poppe, M.K. . Bioetanol de cana de açúcar: energia para o desenvolvimento sustentável. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: BNDES, 2008. v. 1. 316 p.