Transformation Processes of Biomass into Biofuel
Transformation Processes of Biomass into Biofuels
Level: Doctor’s degree
Basic Subject
Field(s) of Study: Biofuel Manufacturing Processes
Class Load: 60
Credits: 4
Technologies of biomass treatment, lignocellulosic residues pre-treatment and hydrolysis by physical, chemical or enzymatic means; technologies for obtaining hydrolysate and extracting sugarcane juice, extracting vegetable oils and microalgae oils; development of new biofuel catalysis and biocatalysis systems (fermentation of pentoses, immobilized enzyme, catalysis under supercritical conditions, etc.); design and optimization of reactors and bioreactors for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel and other biofuels (biobutanol, etc.); development of processes and equipment for biofuel purification; development of systems and processes control loops for the production of biofuels; heat integration and energy recovery in the production of biofuels; formulation and development of integrated systems for production of first, second and third generation biofuel; development of technologies to save water and non-renewable inputs used in the production of biofuels.
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