(Español) Cartola
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1908 - 1980 By Marcelo Silva Souza Life in the Mangueira hill in the city of Rio de Janeiro was the primary source of inspiration for the songs that made Angenor Oliveira, known as Cartola, one of the greatest composers and performers of Brazilian music.…
(Português) Campos, Haroldo de
São Paulo (Brazil), 1929 - 2003 By Flávio Aguiar A controversial poet and essayist, he deepened the writing techniques of the modernists of 1922, particularly those of Oswald de Andrade. He developed syntactical innovations anticipated in the poetry of Mário Faustino and rejected the confessional sentimentalism produced by the previous…
(Português) Buarque de Holanda, Chico
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1944 By Alberto Ikeda Composer, lyricist, and writer, Francisco Buarque de Holanda became notable in the 1960s and 1970s, mainly for his politically charged musical production, which contested the authoritarianism of the military dictatorship that Brazil experienced from 1964 to 1985. He was one of the…
(Português) Blades, Rubén
Panama City (Panama), 1948 By Latin American Team Rubén Blades, a singer, songwriter, actor, and politician, was instrumental in bringing the innovations of the Cuban Nueva Trova to the danceable salsa rhythm, renewing the genre with social and political themes. The son of a Cuban singer and a musician from…