Icaza, Jorge

Quito (Ecuador), 1906 - 1978 By Flávio Aguiar He stood out among the writers of the Generation of 1930 and was responsible for the innovation of Ecuadorian prose and poetry from both a formal and thematic perspective, similar to how the brothers Arturo and Alejandro Peralta aesthetically recreated indigenism in…

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Fanon, Frantz

Fort-de-France (Martinica), 1925 – Washington (EUA), 1961

By Adriana Veríssimo


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Boisier, Sergio


Purén (Chile), 1939

By Luis Mauricio Cuervo González (more…)

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Carpentier, Alejo

Havana (Cuba), 1904 - Paris (France), 1980 By Flávio Aguiar The literary success of his works was echoed in essays that founded concepts for understanding Latin American art. He formulated the theoretical foundations of "Marvellous Realism," which he adopted in many of his texts, where he asserted nationalist, revolutionary, and…

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(Português) Candido, Antonio

Rio de Janeiro, 1918 - São Paulo (Brazil), 2017 By Flávio Aguiar Antonio Candido de Mello e Souza graduated in social sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters at the University of São Paulo (USP), where he worked until 1958. He engaged in literary criticism since his formative…

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(Português) Cabrera Infante, Guillermo

Gibara (Cuba), 1929 - London (England), 2005 By Flávio Aguiar The mastery and boldness with which he handles language, crafting text through a fusion of meanings and significants, rhythms and sounds, make this Cuban a challenger of traditional rhetoric. From his first work, a collection of stories published in 1960,…

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(Português) Bressane, Júlio

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1946 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda Júlio Eduardo Bressane de Azevedo is regarded as an experimental filmmaker. His debut feature film, Cara a cara (1968), was a poetic film close to the ideals of Cinema Novo. He made two landmark works that inaugurated the concept…

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(Português) Borges, Jorge Luis

Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1889 - Geneva (Switzerland), 1986 By Flávio Aguiar One of the foundational pillars of 20th-century Latin American literature, he ensured both the renewal and the re-engagement with Western cultural roots for the continent. He created the Martín Fierro group, a mouthpiece for the literary avant-garde in Argentina…

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(Português) Boff, Leonardo

Concórdia (Brazil), 1938 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Leonardo Boff, author of approximately sixty books and a former Franciscan, studied philosophy and theology, obtaining a doctorate in these areas from the University of Munich (Germany) in 1970. As one of the founders of Liberation Theology, he published several key works that…

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