Stroessner, Alfredo

Encarnación (Paraguay), 1912- Brasilia (Brasil), 2006

By Emir Sader (more…)

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Pinochet, Augusto

Valparaíso, 1915 – Santiago (Chile), 2006

By Rodrigo Nobile (more…)

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(Português) Câmara, Dom Hélder

Fortaleza, 1909 - Recife (Brazil), 1999 By Daniela Jinkings A priest and political activist, Brazilian Dom Hélder Câmara became known internationally as the "red bishop." During the 1930s, he even sympathized with Italian fascism and the Ação Integralista, a Brazilian national-fascist organization led by Plínio Salgado. He founded the National…

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(Português) Bouterse, Désiré Delano

Domburg (Suriname), 1945 By Rodrigo Nobile A career soldier, he served as a sports instructor in the Army and was one of the leaders of the National Military Council. He led a coup d’état and later co-founded the National Democratic Party (NDP). His name is often associated with the military…

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(Português) Barrientos Ortuño, René

Tarata, 1919 - Villa Arque (Bolivia), 1969 By the Latin American Team A military man and vice president of the Junta de Government that overthrew Víctor Paz Estenssoro in 1964, René Barrientos governed alongside Alfredo Ovando Candia in 1965 and was elected president in 1966. He was a leader closely…

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(Português) Albizu Campos, Pedro

Ponce, 1891 – San Juan (Puerto Rico), 1965 By Ángel G. Quintero Rivera Pedro Albizu Campos was the most influential nationalist leader of the 20th century in Puerto Rico and one of the anti-imperialist symbols of America. The son of a single, Black mother, descended from Venezuelan emigrants of Basque…

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