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(Português) GEMPS (Grupo de Estudos para Mestrado em Psicologias para USP)

GEMPS was idealized and founded in 2019 by psychologist Rodrigo Santos, at the time a master’s student in the Social and Work Psychology program (PST) of the Institute of Psychology at USP (IPUSP), with the goal of promoting the democratization and equity of access to graduate studies at the university.

During this trajectory, in 2021, it met other students from the masters and doctorate courses at IPUSP who shared the same desire to fight against social inequalities and, joining forces, the group became composed by the voluntary collaboration of 15 graduate students, outlining the contours of a student movement.

A large and important partnership was also achieved with the PST program, which embraced the group’s goals with great enthusiasm.

With the philosophy of “don’t give up; and whoever gets in, helps someone else get in,” our specific target audience is black, indigenous, LGBTQIA+, PCD, solo mom, and low-income people, who wish to take the selection process for the master’s program in the following IPUSP programs:

  • Social and Work Psychology (PST);
  • Clinical Psychology (PSC);
  • School and Developmental Psychology (PSA)
  • Experimental Psychology (PSE);

The meetings are free of charge and are held in two modalities:

  • Group meetings: we study the basic and specific bibliography of each edict through conversation wheels and seminars;
  • Individual meetings: we help in the construction of research projects;

In addition, we help in the elaboration of the Lattes Resumé, and we carry out mock psychology and English tests and interviews.

Applications are open in February of each year.

For questions or more information, please contact: