

Master's degree

Program Policy Acknowledgemet Form

Intellectual Property Rights Acknowledgment Form

Acceptance of guidance - Master's

Master's Initial Enrollment

Master's Scholarship Registration

Master's Scholarship Request Form

Term of Commitment Social Demand

Demand Doctorate / Direct Doctorate

Program rules knowledge form

Intellectual Property Rights Acknowledgment Form

Acceptance of guidance - Doctorate

Acceptance of guidance - Direct Doctorate

Doctorate's Initial Enrollment

Initial enrollment Direct Doctorate

Doctorate's Scholarship Registration

Doctorate's Scholarship Request Form

Exemption from the specific Pharmacology test

Direct Doctorate Scholarship Request Form

Term of Commitment Social Demand

Special Credit Requests

 Requests to use subjects and/or special credits must be made through the Janus system in the ‘requirements’ tab.

See below the list of documents that must be attached in the system (depending on the type of request):

Poster presentation at a congress: standard form, presentation certificate (which should contain the title of the poster, authors, etc.), summary of the poster presented and the student’s form;

Article publication: standard form, PDF of the complete article and the student file;

Chapter publication: standard form, PDF of the complete chapter and the student file;

PAE Internship: standard form and student file;

Subjects studied as a special student: standard form only;

Disciplines studied outside USP (in a recognized Graduate Program – Maximum limit of 1/3 of the credits required for each course): standard form, discipline summary issued by the competent body; statement of approval (containing concept, frequency, total course load and start and end date of the course) and the student file.  

Congress poster presentation

Article publication

Chapter Publication

PAE Internship

Subjects studied as a special student

Subjects taken outside USP

Dissertation/Thesis Deposit

Procedure related to the deposit of the dissertation/thesis

Digital deposit guidelines

Student Vision Deposit

Form 1 - Defense - Banker's Suggestion

Form 2 - Cover for the signature of the judging committee

Form 3 - Advisor's Consent

Form 4 - Partial Availability

Form 5 - Science of correction of theses and dissertations

Term of acknowledgment of the procedures for the correction of the copy after the defense

Form for delivery of corrected versions of the Dissertation or Thesis

Admission to the Doctorate

Doctoral Admission Form

Miscellaneous Forms

Out-of-date follow-up enrollment

Use of surplus credits in the Master's

Registration locking

Enrollment in Discipline after the deadline

Exemption from the first phase of the Qualifying Examination at the Doctoral level

Form for remote banking (defenses and qualifying exams)

Cases of Exceptionality-Remote Stands Qualification and Defenses

Forms for Mentors

Accreditation and Re-accreditation of Advisors

Advisors and Co-advisors Accreditation Form

Complementary registration form for advisors

Standard form for issuance of Advisor Accreditation Opinion

Accreditation and Re-accreditation of Advisors

Creation of On-Campus and/or Non-On-Campus Courses Form (Version 03/2021)

Standard form for issuing an Opinion - Accreditation of person responsible for discipline