Applying wind-assisted propulsion to ships

Energy efficiency has always been a competitive advantage
in a market where fuel represents a major operating expense.
With the emergence of maritime decarbonisation ambitions,
it has become an imperative.
Optimising the fuel efficiency of ships will prolong compliance
as new legislation demands stepped improvements in
emissions, fuel consumption and energy intensity, minimise
carbon costs as market-based measures emerge and – for
vessel operators aiming for close to or full decarbonisation
– significantly reduce spend on costly zero- or near-zero
emission fuels.

The Potential of Onboard Carbon Capture in Shipping

Confira a publicação da DNV sobre o potencial da indústria offshore para captura de carbono!

While many efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
from shipping focus on improving energy efficiency of
the vessels and switching to carbon-neutral fuels, another
option is to capture the CO2 produced by carbon-based
fuels and utilize or store it in underground reservoirs. The
carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies and
value chains are under development to support decarbonization
of land-based emissions, and the maritime industry
is looking into its application on board ships. This white
paper aims to provide guidance to shipowners, technology
providers, and other stakeholders on central matters related
to onboard carbon capture.