The Experimentoteca is a Science Laboratory that intends to rationalize the use of experimental material in the same way that a public library facilitates the access of a large number of publications to a wide audience, in a loan system free of charge to the user. It stems from a discussion by teachers who participated in the 1st Symposium on “Integrating Universities – Elementary and High Schools”, which took place in 1979 in São Carlos. Its conception was based on the needs these teachers felt for experimental activities in the classroom.
The Experimentoteca consists of 102 thematic sets in the areas of Science and Mathematics. Each set consists of 10 copies of the same experiment, so that it can be used by 10 groups of students simultaneously, without the need for laboratories or any special infrastructure. The topics cover most of the Science content in Elementary and High Schools.
The Experimentoteca kits for teaching science are available for loan at the CDCC.
Interested teachers can make an appointment. Monday from 2pm to 5pm and Tuesday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm by phone: (16) 3373 – 9158.
Schools located in São Carlos can count on a kit delivery service (
If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please contact Fátima (