Improving reading fluency


Thinking about what was discussed in the posts Active Voice ( ) and Want to write lively sentences? Avoid nominalizations! ( ), let’s try to improve on the following paragraph:


In this project, it is proposed a reliable analytical method for the determination of XXXXX in YYYYYY.  ZZZZZZ will be synthesized and used for the determination of XXXXX in YYYYY by using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectroscopy.


By using active voice instead of passive voice and by substituting nouns for verbs (thus avoiding nominalization), we have a more lively text:

This project proposes a reliable analytical method to determine XXXXX in YYYYY. We will synthesize ZZZZZ to determine XXXXX in YYYYY by  ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectroscopy.