18 de July de 2023
Describing the current situation
The only information available at the time is the dataset that contains daily SARI (Severe acute respiratory infections) data for various regions of the city. Each row represents a single individual and includes information such as the date of symptoms onset, age, sex, pregnancy, neighborhood, ICU, and outcome. There is also information about HDI in the neighborhood of the patient’s residence.
The etiological research (Day 1) indicated that it is an infection by an Influenza A virus of avian origin, of a strain not circulating in the human population in the country. Airborne transmission by droplets and aerosols has already been confirmed.
The main symptoms presented by patients are fever (90%), headache (75%), cough (80%), myalgia (75%), and hypotension (30%). The variable “comorbidity” includes obesity, chronic pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease.
Database available
Map file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6ob37eNedAHsek7VOjgdk0bZGPDmr09/view?usp=sharing
Disease data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NG878cMqfUimKN-6wwlwjwoFzsigWMNo/view?usp=sharing
Questions to consider
- Which groups or regions are most affected?
- Which strategies are priorities?
- What indicators can contribute to monitoring and coping with the epidemic and risk of cases?
What is expected from the group on day 2:
Analyze data to identify priorities, and population groups at risk, and to support future decision-making.