Adriano Rodrigues Azzoni
Phone +55-11-3091-2234
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0003-0696-4663
Research area – Protein engineering
Adriano Azzoni holds BSc (1994) and MSc (1998) degrees in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), and a DSc (PhD, 2002) degree in Chemical Engineering, Biotechnological Processes from Unicamp, with an 1-year visiting period at Iowa State University and ProdiGene Inc. (USA).
He conducted two postdoctoral projects, one dealing with recombinant protein cloning, purification and structural/functional determination at Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genética (Unicamp, 2002-2004), and another dealing with plasmid development for gene therapy and DNA vaccine applications, at the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Centro de Engenharia Biológica e Química, Portugal, 2004-2007).
Currently he is an assistant professor at POLI/USP and coordinates a FAPESP Jovem Pesquisador project on Protein Engineering, developing recombinant proteins specifically designed for gene delivery used in gene therapy/vaccine protocols.
Aldo Tonso
Phone +55-11-3091-2283
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0001-8498-7348
Research area – Animal cell culture
Aldo Tonso holds BSc (1987), MSc (1994) and DSc (PhD, 2000) degrees in Chemical Engineering from POLI/USP. His PhD was accomplished with a 27-month visiting period at Bayer Corporation (Berkeley, USA). In 2012 he got his Habilitation (Livre-Docência) from USP.
Currently he is an associate professor at USP and his research interests are animal cell culture and bioprocess automation with research projects on chemotherapeutic asparaginase production by yeast Pichia pastoris and bioinsecticide baculovirus production by Sf9 insect cells.
Martina Costa Reis
Phone +55-11-3091-2282
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0002-8879-4487
Research area – Thermodynamics of complex systems
Martina Costa Reis earned her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry in 2014 from the University of Campinas, Brazil. From 2015 to 2018, she held an Alexander von Humboldt postdoc fellowship. Later, she joined the Expert Capability Group of AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a researcher.
Her research interests include the study of the mathematical foundations of thermodynamics, constitutive modeling of chemical systems under nonequilibrium conditions, and phase equilibria predictions for electrolyte solutions.
In April, 2022 Martina Costa Reis joined the Engineering School of the University of São Paulo as a tenure-track professor for chemical thermodynamics and applications.Currently, she serves as a topic editor of the journal ACS Omega.
Pedro de Alcântara Pessôa Filho
Phone +55-11-3091-1106
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0003-4315-7238
Research area – Thermodynamics of complex systems
Pedro Pessôa holds BSc (1995), MSc (1998) and DSc (PhD, 2002) degrees in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). During 2007-2008 he conducted his postdoctoral project at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (Germany) and in 2011 he got his Habilitation (Livre-Docência) from USP.
Currently he is a full professor at POLI/USP, and his research interests involve thermodynamics of phase equilibrium, mainly biomolecule purification processes as well as applications in food and oil engineering.
René Peter Schneider
Phone +55-11-3091-2232
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0001-8436-0270
Research area – Environmental Biotechnology
Dr. Schneider obtained his degree in Natural Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (1984) and completed his PhD studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG, 1989). He then spent the next 8 years as a Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. With the award of a Young Investigator Fellowship and Project Grant by FAPESP he returned to Brazil, initially to the Environmental Research Center of EMBRAPA in Jaguariúna. In 1999 he moved to the University of São Paulo, where he took up a Position as Lecturer in the Microbiological Department of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. In 2014 he transferred to the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Polytechnical School, at the same University. Dr. Schneider is one of the Editors of the Journal “International Biodegradation & Bioremediation”.
His research focus at present is in Environmental Biotechnology: value added processing of copper mine tailinqs, subsurface bioremediation of organic contaminants, novel anaerobic wastewater and solid waste treatment processes for biogas production and nutrient recovery, membrane filtration: novel pretreatment technologies for biofouling control and membranes for groundwater potabilization. Many of these projects represent interdisciplinary collaborations with other Research Groups in the Department (Prof. Clauudio Oller) and the University (CIRRA: Professor José Carlos Mierzwa; CEPAS: Prof. Reginaldo Bertolo, Prof. Ricardo Hirata), with most funded cojointly by industry and government.
Thiago Olitta Basso
Phone +55-11-3091-2260
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0001-7765-4297
Research area – Yeast physiology
Thiago Basso holds a BSc in Pharmacy and Biochemistry (2003) by The University of São Paulo and a MSc in Biotechnology (2005) by The University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland-UK. After completion of his master’s degree, he worked for 2 years at Fermentec Ltda., a consultancy company engaged at improving ethanol fermentation in Brazilian ethanol plants. He holds a PhD in Sciences by the University of São Paulo (2011) including an 1-year visiting period at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in the group of Professor Jack Pronk.
After completion of his PhD in 2011, he worked for Novozymes for 4 years as a Senior Scientist in the R&D department, as a project leader in yeast physiology and fermentation optimization for traditional (1G) and advanced (2G) biofuels.
Currently he is an assistant professor at USP and his main areas of interest are yeast and bacterial physiology and yeast metabolic engineering.
Andreas Karoly Gombert
Phone +55-11-3091-2229
Lattes Academic CV
ORCID link: 0000-0001-9557-3773
Research area – Yeast physiology and metabolic engineering
Andreas Gombert holds BSc (1992), MSc (1996) and DSc (PhD, 2001) degrees in Chemical Engineering from POLI/USP. He conducted two postdoctoral projects, at Universidade do Minho (Portugal, 2003-2004) and at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands, 2006-2008). In 2009 he got his Habilitation (Livre-Docência) from USP.
He is involved, as both a coordinator and a collaborator, in several national and international research projects, all funded by national agencies and/or companies like Vale and Petrobras.
Since 2013, he belongs to the faculty of the School of Food Engineering of UNICAMP (Campinas, São Paulo).
The group also includes some recently retired professors:
Beatriz Vahan Kilikian – Lattes Academic CV
Maria Cândida Reginato Facciotti – Lattes Academic CV
Willibaldo Schmidell Netto – Lattes Academic CV