Understanding the processes and mechanisms related to the evolution of phenotypic diversity is a central issue in Evolutionary Biology. The study of form (and its functioning) integrates several fields and brings together different levels of biological organization. While the combination of ecological and phylogenetic information makes it possible to identify phenotypic patterns during diversification processes, elements of genetics and embryology contribute to understand how different phenotypes originated.
At the Laboratory of Evolution and Integrative Biology (LEBI/USP), we investigate the mechanisms of origin of phenotypic variants (development) and their validation and propagation processes (selection, drift) through the study of the evolution of phenotypic diversity. From this plural perspective, investigations into the patterns, processes and mechanisms of evolution of morphological and physiological diversity are carried out using representatives of different vertebrate lineages.
The lab is located at the Department of Biology – Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto.
Our research projects are funded by FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
LEBI/USP is also reponsable for managing the Herpetological Collection of Ribeirão Preto (CHRP/USP).
Keywords: Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EvoDevo & EcoEvoDevo), Ecomorphology, Ecophysiology, Functional Morphology, Molecular Evolution.