Biological collections represent repositories of information on present and past biodiversity, and provide a substrate for researches’ fields that transcend systematics and taxonomy, contributing to the development of several sub-areas aggregated to Evolutionary Biology.

The Ribeirão Preto Herpetological Collection (CHRP/USP) was created in 2008, being officially accredited by CGEN as a faithful depository of genetic heritage in 2012 (process CGEN 066/2012/ECEX/CGEN, published in the official gazette in September 2012).

The CHRP/USP was the first official herpetological collection of FFCLRP/USP, inaugurating the incorporation of living representatives of tetrapod lineages into official collections of the Department of Biology. Currently, the Herpetological Collection comprises specimens of Squamata, Anura, Gymnophiona, Caudata and Testudines; a tissue bank of samples for genomic DNA extraction; and an embryonic and larval development series of several representatives of the Brazilian herpetofauna.



Collection Manager: Dr. Felipe Silva de Andrade

Curator: Tiana Kohlsdorf