National Research Projects led by LEBI/USP
Climate change and the Amazon socio-biodiversity: perspectives from the herpetofauna
Grant number: 22/10357-2 – CONFAP – Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa. Associated researchers: Dr. Adrian Antonio Garda, Dr. Adriana Malvasio, Dr. Daniel Oliveira Mesquita, Dr. Fabricius Maia Chaves Bicalho Domingos, Dr. Fernanda da Rocha Brando, Dr. Fernanda de Pinho Werneck, Dr. Guarino Rinaldi Colli, Dr. Tiana Kohsldorf, Dr. Thiago Costa Gonçalves Portelinha. -
Evo-Devo in dynamic environments: climate change implications on biodiversity
Grant number: 20/14780-1. BIOTA FAPESP – Temático. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf. Associated researchers: Dr. Ana Carolina Oliveira de Queiroz Carnaval, Dr. Fernanda de Pinho Werneck, Dr. Guarino Rinaldi Colli, Dr. María Eugenia Guazzaroni, Dr. Natália Martins Feitosa, Dr. Rafael Silva Rocha, Dr. Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca. - Ecology, evolution and development (Eco-Evo-Devo) in the Brazilian herpetofauna
Grant number: 2015/07650-6 – FAPESP. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf. Associated researchers: Dr. Igor Schneider, Dr. Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca, Dra. Patrícia Schneider, Dra. Fernanda Brando, Dr. Gunter Wagner.
- Effect of ultraviolet radiation and temperature on the development of Rhinella(Anura: Bufonidae) tadpoles: a populational approach
Grant number: 2012/11929-8 – FAPESP. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf.
- Evolution of meristic and morphometric diversity in the Squamata autopodium: patterns, processes and mechanisms
Grant numer 2011/18868-1 – FAPESP. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf. - Mechanisms of embryonic development and evolution of phenotypic diversity in basal tetrapods
CNPq grant number: 563232/2010-2; FAPESP grant number: 2010/52316-3. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf. Associated researchers: Dr. Tami Mott (UFAL), Dr. Vanda Ferreira (UFMS), Dr. José Xavier-Neto (LNBio/Sincroton). Collaborating researcher: Dr. Miguel T. Rodrigues. Joint funding: CNPq/CAPES/FAPESP/MCT. - Evolution of phenotypic diversity in tropical lizards: an integrative approach investigating different levels of organization
Grant number: 2005/60140-4 – Jovem Pesquisador FAPESP. Coordinator: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf.
International collaborations
- Correlates of jaw form and function in Gnathostomata
Process number: 22/03846-7 – FAPESP. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP/USP), Brazil and Monash University, Australia. Coordinators: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf (Brazil) and Dr. Olga Panagiotopoulou (Australia). Associated researcher: Dr. Mario Bronzati. - Evolution and development of limb diversity in salamanders
AUCANI Grant number: 2019. – International collaboration USP-Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Coordinators: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf (Brazil) and Dr. Nadia Fröbisch (Germany). - Morphology and physiology compared between two of the most specious families of Neotropical lizards: Liolaemidae versus Tropiduridae
International collaboration FAPESP-CONICET. Grant number: 2012/51012-6. Coordinators: Dr. Tiana Kohlsdorf (Brazil) and Dr. Virginia Abdala (Argentina). Associated researchers: Dr. Maria Jose Tulli, Dr. Felix Cruz.