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Publicações / Publications


Fernandes Caromano, C.; Sereni Murrieta, R.S.; Villagran X.S. Igniting life. Habitus, v. 20, p. 477-509, 2023.

Ferraz, T.; Villagran X.S.; Nägele, K.; Radzevič Barbosa Lemes, R.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Wesolowski, V.; Lopes Alves, M.; Bastos, M.; Rapp Py-Daniel, A.; Pinto Lima, HELENA ; Mendes Cardoso, J.; Estevam, R.; Liryo, A.; Guimarães, G.M.; Figuti, L.; Eggers, S.; Plens, C.R.; Azevedo Erler, D.M.; Valadares Costa, H.A.; Da Silva Erler, I.; Koole, E.; Henriques, G.; Solari, A.; Martin, G., et al. Genomic history of coastal societies from eastern South America. Nature Ecology & Evolution, v. 1, p. 1-28, 2023.

Ortega, D. D.; Madella, M.; Souza, J. G.; Villagran X.S. Exploitation, management and cultivation of plants by Holocene populations of the Cerrado of Brazil (South America). In: Colonese, A.C., Milheira, R.G.. (Org.). Historical ecology and landscape archaeology in lowland South America. 1ed. Cham: Springer, 2023, v. 1, p. 219-241.

Schmidt, M.J.; Goldberg, S.L.; Heckenberger M.; Fausto, C.; Franchetto, B.; Watling, J.; Lima, H.; Moraes, B.; Dorshow, W.B.; Toney, J.; Kuikuro, K.; Waura, K.; Kuikuro, H.; Kuikuro, T.W.; Kuikuro, T.; Kuikuro, Y.; Kuikuro, A.; Teixeira, W.; Rocha, B.; Honorato, V.; Tavares, H.; Magalhães, M.; Barbosa, C.A.; Fonseca, J.A.; Mendes, J.; Alleoni, L.R.F.; Cerri, C.E.P.; Arroyo-Kalin, M.; Neves, E.; Perron, T. (2023): Intentional creation of carbon-rich dark earth soils in the Amazon. Sci. Adv., 9, eadh8499.

Watling, J. (2023): As ecologias na arqueologia: bases teóricas para o estudo das interações entre pessoas e o ambiente. R. Museu. Arq. Etn., 30, 163-172.

Watling, J.; Schmidt, M.; Heckenberger, M.; Lima, H.; Moraes, B.; Waura, K.; Kuikuro, T.W.; Kuikuro, U.; Kuikuro, A. (2023): Assessing charcoal and phytolith signals for pre-Columbian land-use based on modern indigenous activity areas in the Upper Xingu, Amazonia. The Holocene, 33(10), 1176-1185.

Will, M.; Jerardino, A.; Villagran X.S.; Green, A.; Erlandson, J.M. Editorial: Living on the edge-interdisciplinary perspectives on coastal and marine ecosystems in human prehistory. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 11, p. 1-2, 2023.

Will, M. (Org.); Green, A. (Org.); Erlandson, J. M. (Org.); Villagran, X.S (Org.); Jerardino, A. (Org.). Living on the edge – interdisciplinary perspectives on coastal and marine ecosystems in human prehistory. 1ed. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, 2023.


Lombardo, U., Arroyo-Kalin, M., Schmidt, M., Huisman, H., Lima, H. P., de Paula Moraes, C., Neves, E. G., Clement, C. R., Aires da Fonseca, J., de Almeida, F. O., Vieira Alho, C. F. B., Bronk Ramsey, C., Brown, G. G., Cavallini, M. S., Lima da Costa, M., Cunha, L., dos Anjos, L. H. C., Denevan, W. M., Fausto, C., Fernandes Caromano, C., Fontana, A., Franchetto, B., Glaser, B., Heckenberger, M. J., Hecht, S., Honorato, V., Jarosch, K. A., Braga Junqueira, A., Kater, T., Tamanaha, E. K., Kuyper, T. W., Lehmann, J., Madella, M., Maezumi, S. Y., Matthews Cascon, L., Mayle, F. E., McKey, D., Moraes, B., Morcote-Ríos, G., Palheta Barbosa, C. A., Magalhães, M. P., Prestes-Carneiro, G., Pugliese, F., Pupim, F. N., Raczka, M. F., Py-Daniel, A. R., Riris, P., Cigaran da Rocha, B., Rodrigues, L., Rostain, S., Macedo, R. S., Shock, M. P., Sprafke, T., Stampanoni Bassi, F., Valle, R., Vidal-Torrado, P., Villagrán, X. S., Watling, J., Weber, S. L. and Teixeira, W. G. (2022). Evidence confirms an anthropic origin of Amazonian Dark Earths. Nature Communications 13: 3444.

Villagran, X. S., Alves, M. L., Kater, T., Silva, K. B. V. da, Batalla, N., Costa, M. da, Costa, J., Erler, D. M. A., Ferreira, M. P., Magon, P., Reys, A. C. dos, Straioto, H., Tognoli, A. R., Strauss, A., Lama, E. A. del, Martins, L., Teixeira-Bastos, M., Neves, E. G., Zimpel, C. and Pugliese, F. (2022). Petrografia de cerâmicas da fase Bacabal (sambaqui Monte Castelo): um dos mais antigos usos de cauixi na Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 17: 1.

Salazar, D., Easton, G., Goff, J., Guendon, J. L., González-Alfaro, J., Andrade, P., Villagrán, X., Fuentes, M., León, T., Abad, M., Izquierdo, T., Power, X., Sitzia, L., Álvarez, G., Villalobos, A., Olguín, L., Yrarrázaval, S., González, G., Flores, C., Borie, C., Castro, V. and Campos, J. (2022). Did a 3800-year-old M w ~9.5 earthquake trigger major social disruption in the Atacama Desert? Sci. Adv. 8: 14.

Villagran, X.S.; Rodriguez, M.; Bentos Pereira, H.; Gianotti, C.; Sotelo, M.; del Pueto, L. (2022). Absence of bones in archaeological sites from the southeast of Uruguay: Taphonomy or human behavior? Geoarchaeology.


Furquim, L. P., Watling, J., Hilbert, L. M., Shock, M. P., Prestes-Carneiro, G., Calo, C. M., Py-Daniel, A. R., Brandão, K., Pugliese, F., Zimpel, C. A., Silva, C. A. da, Neves, E. G. (2021): Facing change through diversity: resilience and diversification of plant management strategies during the Mid to Late Holocene transition at the Monte Castelo shellmound, SW Amazonia. Quaternary, 4(8).

Mendes dos Santos, G., Cangassu, D., Furquim, L. P., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2021): Pão-de-índio e massas vegetais: elos entre passado e presente na Amazônia indígena. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas16(1), e202000012 (

Silva, F. M. da, Shock, M. P., Prestes-Carneiro, G., Silva, L. A. da, Silva, E. G. da, Costa, E. H. dos S., Py-Daniel, A. R., Watling, J.: Flautas, banhas e caxiris: os gestos e os materiais perecíveis do passado resgatados no presente. Revista de Arqueologia Brasileira. 34(3) (

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (2021). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology. pp. 249-281.

Villagran, X.S., Hartmann, G.A., Stahlschmidt, M., Heinrich, S., Gluchy, M.F., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Griggo, C., Pérez, A.,  Melo Ramos, M.P., Straioto, H., Santos, J., Trindade, R.I.F., Strauss, A., Guidon, N. & Böeda, E. (2021). Formation Processes of the Late Pleistocene Site Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião – Piauí (Brazil). PaleoAmerica 7(3): 260-279.

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. (2020): A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190081.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Torrado, P. V. ; Chiapini, M. ; Cooper, M. ; Villagran, X.S. (2020) Micromorfologia de solos. In: Marlen Barros e Silva; José Francisco Lumbreras; Mauricio Rizzato Coelho; Virlei Álvaro de Oliveira. (Org.). Guia de campo da XIII Reunião Brasileira de Classificação e Correlação de Solos : RCC do Maranhão. 1ed.Brasília: Embrapa Solos, pp. 525-613.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.



oarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021

Boëda, E., Ramos, M., Pérez, A., Hatté, C., Lahaye, C., Pino, M., Hérisson, D., Clemente-Conte, I., Fontugne, M., Guérin, G., Villagran, X., Santos, J. C., Costa, L., Germond, L., Ahmed-Delacroix, N. E., Da Costa, A., Borges, C., Hoeltz, S., Felice, G., Gluchy, M., van Havre, G., Griggo, C., Lucas, L., de Souza, I., Viana, S., Strauss, A., Kerner, J. and Guidon, N. (2021). 24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis. PLoS One 16: e0247965.


Almeida, F.O.; Watling, J.; Neves, E.G. (2020) A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto da arqueologia da Amazônia; Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15.

Ardelean, C. F., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Pedersen, M. W., Schwenninger, J-L., Ovlatt, C. G., Macías-Quintero, J. I., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Sikora, M., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Rublo-Cisneros, I. I., Watling, J., Medeiros, V. B. de, De Oliveira, P. E., Barba-Pingarón, L., Ortiz-Butrón, A., Blancas-Vásquez, J., Rivera-González, I., Solís-Rosales, C., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Gandy, D. A., Navarro-Gutierrez, Z., De La Rosa-Díaz, J. J., Huerta-Arellano, V., Marroquín-Fernández, M. B., Martínez-Riojas, L. M., López-Jiménez, A., Higham, T., Willerslev, E. (2020). Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, v. 584, p. 87-92,

Calo, M. C., Rizzutto, M. A., Carmello-Guerreiro, S. M., Dias, C. S. B., Watling, J., Shock, M. P., Zimpel, C. A., Furquim, L. P., Pugliese, F., Neves, E. G. Correlation analysis of Light Microscopy and X-ray MicroCT imaging methods applied to archaeological plant remains’ morphological attributes visualization. Scientific Reports, v. 10, 15105,

Iriarte, J., Elliott, S., Maezumi, S. Y., Alves, D., Gonda, R., Robinson, M., de Souza, J. G., Watling, J., Handley, J. (2020). The origins of Amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 248, 106592,

Kater, T., Almeida, F. O., Mongeló, G. Z., Watling, J., Neves, E. G. (2020). Variabilidade estratigráfica e especial de contextos cerâmicos no Sítio Teotônio. Revista de Arqueologia Brasiliera, v. 33 (1), p. 198-220,

Neves, E. G., Watling, J., Almeida, F. O. A arqueologia do alto Madeira no contexto arqueológico da Amazônia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, v.15 (2), e20190081, (2020).

Strauss, A.; Rodrigues, I. M. M.; Baeta, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Alves, M.; Pugliese, F.; Bissaro Jr. M.; Oliveira, R.E.; Souza, G. N.; Bueno, L.; Souza, J. C. M.; Morrow, J. J.; Reinhard, K. J.; Hermenegildo, T.; Constantino, G.; Chim, E. N.; Santos, R. O.; Paiva, M.; Kipnis, R.; Neves, W. (2020). The archaeological record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical times. In: Lagoa Santa karst: Brazil’s iconic karst region.1 ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, p. 227-282.

Villagran, X.S.; Flores, C.; Olguín, L.; Rebolledo, S.; Durán, V.; Sandoval, C.; Andrade, P.; Borie, C.; Guendon, J-L.; Salazar, D. (in press). Microstratigraphy and faunal records from a shell midden on the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Chile). In: South American Contributions to World Archaeology, Sonia Archila & Mariano Bonomo (Eds.), Sringer: One World Archaeology.

Watling, J.; Almeida, F. O.; Kater, T.; Shock, M. P.; Mongeló, G. Z.; Neves, E. G. (2020). Arqueobotânica de ocupações ceramistas na Cachoeira de Teotônio. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas, 15 (2), e20190075,

Watling, J., Castro, M. T., Simon, M. F., Rodrigues, F., Brilhante, M., De Oliveira, P. E., Neves, E. G. (2020). Phytoliths from native plants and surface soils in the Upper Madeira basin, SW Amazonia, and their potential for paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary International, 550, p. 85-10,


Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.


Lahaye, C.; Guérin, G.; GluchY, M.; Hatté, C.; Fontugne, M.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Villagran, X.S.; Da Costa, A.; Borges, C.; Guidon, N.; Boëda, E. (2018) Another site, same old song: The Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sequence of Toca da Janela da Barra do Antonião-North, Piauí, Brazil. Quaternary Geochronology, v.49, p.223 – 229.

Villagran, X.S.; Pessenda, L.C.; Valadares, H.A.; Atorre, T.; Erler, I.S.; Strauss, A.; Barioni, A.; Tognoli, A.; Duarte, C.; Bonfim, P.V.; Macario, K. (2018). Os primeiros povoadores do litoral norte do Espírito Santo: uma nova abordagem na arqueologia de sambaquis capixabas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – Ciências Humanas, v.13, p.573 – 596.

Watling, J.; Shock, M.P.; Mongeló, G.Z.; Almeida, F.O.; Kater, T.; De Oliveira, P.E.; Neves, E.G. (2018) Direct archaeological evidence for southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre. PloS One, v. 13, p.e0199868.

Watling, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D. (2018) Historical ecology, human niche construction and landscape in pre-Columbian Amazonia: a case study of the geoglyph builders of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 50, p.128-139.


Colonese, A.C.; Netto, S.A.; Silva, A.; DeBlasis, P.; Villagran, X.S.; De Almeida, R.; Hancock, Y.; Hausmann, N.; Eloy, D.S.; Prendergast, A.; Schöne, B.R.; Da Cruz, F.W.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2017). Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, v.484, p.7 – 21.

Iriarte, J. & Watling, J. (2017): Appendix 7: Phytolith analysis. In: T. Dillehay (ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca Prieta, Peru. University of Texas Press: Austin, pp.674–680.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Miller, C.; Ligouis, B.; Oliveira, R. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil (2017). Journal of Archaeological Science v. 77, p. 10-34.

Villagran, X.S., Huisman, H., Mentzer, S., Miller, C., Jans, M. (2017). Bone and other skeletal tissue. In: Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology, C. Nicosia & G. Stoops (Eds.). John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 11-38. 

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A. (2017) Reply to Piperno et al.: It is too soon to argue for short-term human impacts in interfluvial Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Mayle, F.; Schaan, D.; Pessenda, L.C.R.; Loader, N.J.; Street-Perrott, F.A.; Damasceno, A.; Ranzi, A (2017). Impact of pre-Columbian ‘geoglyph’ builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.114, p.1868-1873.


Boëda, E ; Rocca, R.; da Costa, A.; Fontugne, M.; Hatté, C.; Clemente-Conte, I.; Santos, J.C.; Lucas, L.; Felice, G.; Lourdeau, A.; Villagran, X.S.; Gluchy, M.; Ramos, M.P.; Viana, S.; Lahaye, C.; Guidon, N.; Griggo, C.; Pino, M.; Pessis, A.M.; Borges, C.; Gato, B. (2016). New Data on a Pleistocene Archaeological Sequence in South America: Toca do Sítio do Meio, Piauí, Brazil. PaleoAmerica, v. 2, p. 286-302.

Strauss, A.; Oliveira, R.E.; Villagran, X.S.; Bernardo, D.V.; Salazar-García, D.C.; Bissaro, M.C.; Pugliese, F.; Hermenegildo, T.; Santos, R.; Barioni, A.; de Oliveira, E.C.; Moreno de Sousa, J.C.; Jaouen, K.; Ernani, M.; Hubbe, M.; Inglez, M.; Gratão, M.; Rockwell, H; Machado, M.; de Souza, G.; Chemale, F.; Kawashita, K.; O’Connell, T.C.; Israde, I.; Feathers, J.; Campi, C.; Richards, Michael; Wahl, J.; Kipnis, R.; Araujo, A.; Neves, W. (2016) Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, v. 90, p. 1454-1473.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J.; Whitney, B.S.; Consuelo, E.; Mayle, F.; Castro, W.; Schaan, D.; Feldspauch, T.R. (2016) Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: forest formations of southwestern Amazonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.226, p.30–43.


Carson, J. F.; Watling, J.; Mayle, F.E.; Whitney, B.S.; Iriarte, J.; Prümers, H.; Soto, J.D. (2015) Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon. The Holocene v.25, p.1285-1300.

Dillehay, T.D; Ocampo, C.; Saavedra, J.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Vega, R.M.; Pino, M.; Collins, M.B.; Scott Cummings, L.; Arregui, I.; Villagran, X.S.; Hartmann, G.A.; Mella, M.; González, A.; Dix, G. (2015). New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0141923.

Villagran, X.S.; Gaspar, M.D.; Souza, S.M. (2015) Primeiros estudos micromorfológicos em sambaquis da Baia de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro): Sítio Sernambetiba sob o microscópio In: Geoarqueologia na América do Sul.1 ed.: Editora da PUC-Goiás, p. 427-462.

Watling, J.; Saunaluoma, S.; Schaan, D.; Pärssinen, M. (2015) Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.4, p.541-551.


Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.


Villagran, X.S. (2013) Estratigrafia e micro-estratigrafia de sambaquis In: Abordagens estratégicas em sambaquis.1 ed.Erechim: Habilis, p. 89-107.

Villagran, X.S. (2013) O que sabemos dos grupos construtores de sambaquis? Breve revisão da arqueologia da costa sudeste do Brasil, dos primeiros sambaquis até a chegada da cerâmica Jê. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. , v.23, p.139 – 154.

Villagran, X.S.; Gianotti, C. (2013). Earthen mound formation in the Uruguayan lowlands (South America): micromorphological analyses of the Pago Lindo archaeological complex. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 40, p. 1093-1107.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R.; Ligouis, B. (2013). Living in the cold: Geoarchaeology of sealing sites from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary International, v. 315, p. 184-199.

Watling, J.; Iriarte, J. (2013) Phytoliths from the coastal savannas of French Guiana. Quaternary International, v.287, p.162-180.


Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A.; Villagran, X.S.; Martins, G.R. (2012). Macroscopic and microbiological alterations of bird and small mammal bones buried in a Cerrado biome (south western Brazil). Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 39, p. 1394-1400.

Iriarte J.; Power, M.; Rostain, S.; Mayle, F.E.; Jones, H.; Watling, J.; McKey, D. (2012) Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.109, p.6473-6478.


Godino, I.B.; Alvarez, M.; Balbo, A.; Zurro, D.; Madella, M.; Villagran, X. S.; French, C. (2011). Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Quaternary International, v. 239, p. 125-134.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Experimental Micromorphology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): building a reference collection for the study of shell middens in cold climates. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.38, p.588 – 604. Impact factor: 2.139.

Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A., Madella, M., Vila, A., Estevez, J. (2011). Stratigraphic and spatial variability in shell middens: microfacies identification at the ethnohistoric site Tunel VII (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, v.3, p.357 – 378.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2011). Building Coastal Landscapes: Zooarchaeology and Geoarchaeology of Brazilian Shell Mounds. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, v. 6, p. 211-234.

Villagran, X.S.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. (2011). Geoarqueologia das primeiras ocupações humanas na Antartica. Vestígios. Revista latino-americana de arqueologia histórica, v. 5, p. 115-136.


Giannini, P.C.F; Villagran, X.S.; Fornari, M.; Nascimento, D. R.; Menezes, P. M.L.; Tanaka, A.P.B.; Assuncao, D.C.; DeBlasis, P.; Amaral, P.G.C. (2010). Interações entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica na costa centro-sul de Santa Catarina. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, v. 5, p. 105-128.

Iriarte J.; Glaser B.; Watling J.; Wainwright A.; Birk J.; Renard D.; Rostain S.; McKey D. (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.37, p.2984-2994.

Klokler, D.; Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; Peixoto, S.; DeBlasis, P. (2010). Juntos na costa: zooarqueologia e geoarqueologia de sambaquis do litoral sul catarinense. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. 20, p. 53-76.

Villagran, X.S. (2010). Estratigrafias que falam: geoarqueologia de um sambaqui monumental. São Paulo, Annablume Editora. pp. 205.

Villagran, X.S.; Klokler, D.; Nishida, P.; Gaspar, M.D.; DeBlasis, P. (2010) Lecturas estratigráficas: Arquitectura funerária y depositación de resíduos en el sambaquí Jabuticabeira II. Latin American Antiquity, v.21, p.195 – 216.


Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P.C.F; DeBlasis, P. (2009). Archaeofacies analysis: Using depositional attributes to identify anthropic processes of deposition in a monumental shell mound of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Geoarchaeology, v. 24, p. 311-335.

Villagran, X.S.; DeBlasis, P.; Giannini, P.C.F. (2009) Primeros estudios micromorfológicos en sambaquís brasileños (sitio Jabuticabeira II, Estado de Santa Catarina). Intersecciones en Antropología, v.10, p.359 – 364, 2009.

Villagran, X.S. (2009). Micromorfologia de Depósitos Arqueológicos. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, v. Sup. 8, p. 197-205.


Villagran, X.S. (2006). Existió la monumentalidad en tierra entre los cazadores-recolectores del Este uruguayo? Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de construcciones antrópicas en tierra. Arqueología Suramericana, v. 2, p. 263-290.2021