Notícias 1

Master’s Qualification: Adilen de La Caridad Hernández Llerena

On January 21, 2025, the student Adilen de La Caridad Hernández Llerena presented her master’s qualification in Sciences at the University of São Paulo, under the supervision of Professor Rita Maria de Brito Alves, with the work titled “Ammonia Decomposition for Hydrogen Production.” Adilen’s research focuses on the thermal decomposition of ammonia, exploring two distinct […]

Visit to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Between December 9 and 12, 2024, researchers Morgana Rosset and Paulo Cardozo Carvalho de Araújo, along with the project coordinator, Professor Cláudio Augusto Oller do Nascimento, members of the research groups from the Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Catalytic Processes (LaPCat) and the High-Pressure Laboratory, both part of the Department of Chemical Engineering at […]

6ª IGC2024 & WESC-2024

Postdoctoral researchers Morgana Rosset and Paulo Cardozo Carvalho de Araújo participated in the 6th International Gas Conference (IGC2024) and the World Energy Storage Conference (WESC-2024), held in Doha, Qatar, from December 2nd to 5th, 2024. The researchers presented works related to their research projects developed at the Laboratory for Research and Innovation on Catalytic Processes […]

LaPCat in the 18th ICC

PhD students Heloisa Ruschel Bortolini, Juliana Bertoldi, Lucas Alves da Silva, and Victor Albertini participated in the 18th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC) in Lyon, France, from July 14th to 19th, 2024. The students presented papers related to their research projects developed at LaPCat, as outlined below. Juliana presented the paper titled “Highly stable and […]

LaPCat in the 22nd CBCat

PhD students Heloisa Ruschel Bortolini, Juliana Bertoldi, and Victor Albertini, along with then master’s student Lucas Alves da Silva, participated in the 22nd Brazilian Catalysis Congress (CBCat) in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, from September 25th to 29th, 2023. The students presented papers related to their research projects developed at LaPCat, as outlined below. […]

LapCat at EuropaCat 2023

The direct PhD student Heloisa Ruschel Bortolini participated in the 15th European Congress on Catalysis in Prague, Czech Republic, from August 27 to September 1, 2023. Heloisa presented the work entitled “Evaluation of Ga and Zn-based catalysts supported on SiO2 for the CO2-assisted ethane dehydrogenation,” developed at LaPCat under the supervision of Professors Elisabete Moreira […]

Masters’s thesis defense: Douglas Rozendo da Silva

On October 25, 2023, Douglas Rozendo da Silva’s master’s degree defense took place, under the guidance of Professor Reinaldo Giudici, whose work was developed at the Research and Innovation Laboratory in Catalytic Processes (LaPCat). Douglas obtained the title of Master of Science from the University of São Paulo when presenting his dissertation entitled “Systematic Study […]