Book Release – Mathematical Programming for Process Optimization 29/07/2021Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
Doctoral Defense Mariana Schincariol Paes 09/03/2021 01/03/2021Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
Alternative technologies reduce food processing time and use less energy 16/01/2021Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
USP Journal – Mathematical model imporves preservation of shrimp using microwaves 13/11/2020Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
USP Journal – Microwaves can increase the shelf life of processed shrimp 05/11/2020Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
FAPESP Agency – Research uses microwave pasteurization to increase the shelf live of shrimp 22/10/2020Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
Doctoral Defense Eduardo dos Santos Funcia 20/03/2020 20/03/2020Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
Master’s Defense Lucas de Assis Quemelli 17/03/2020 04/03/2020Defaul, NotíciasJorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut