
Apresentação no SIICUSP 2023 – Efeitos da adição da farinha de yacón e congelamento sobre panificação

Trabalho apresentado pelo bolsista de IC “Gabriel Aparecido Atanazio da Silva” no SIICUSP 2023 – Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da USP. Orientadora: Profa. Carmen Tadini “Efeitos da adição da farinha de yacón (Smallantus sonchifolius) e do congelamento sobre o desempenho em panificação”

Book Release – Mathematical Programming for Process Optimization

The book Mathematical Programming for Process Optimization, authored by Prof. Jorge A. W. Gut from Polytechnic School of USP was released by Edusp in June 2021! Mathematical programming is a powerful tool for decision making and process optimization. It is based on the mathematical representation of a system through the use of continuous and […]

Alternative technologies reduce food processing time and use less energy

Alternative technologies reduce food processing time and use less energy. A FoRC researcher tested ohmic and microwave heating in liquid foods, demonstrating their efficiency compared to the conventional method. Food without Myths – Frontier of Knowledge