

Carmen Cecília Tadini
Full Professor
Academic background: Eng. of Food (1977) by UNICAMP, Master (1988), PhD (1994) e Habilitation (2000) by EPUSP, Post-Doc (1998) by Purdue University.
Research Interests: New processes of industrialization of fruits and bakery.
Lattes Curriculum / ReserarcherID

Jorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut
Associate Professor
Academic Background: Eng. Chemist (1998), PhD (2003) e Full Professor (2012) by EPUSP.
Research Interests: Modeling, simulation and optimization of pasteurization and sterilization processes of liquid foods.
Lattes Curriculum ReserarcherID

Pos-Doctorate Researchers 

Fernanda Thaís Vieira Rubio
Project: Development and 3D printing of fortified gummies as a food supplement to meet specific health conditions (2023). CNPq and FAPESP.

Tatiana Guinoza Matuda Masaoka
Project: Obtaining and applying flour obtained from by-products of the food industry (2018)

Taíse Toniazzo
Project: Strategies to improve the quality of life of the elderly population (2023). Scholarship: CAPES/COFECUB.


PhD Researchers 

Gerald Alberto Marenco Orozco
Project: Integrated production by the excursion of biodegradable material from cassava (Manihot esculenta) (2021). Scholarship: CNPq/FAPESP.

Giulliana Petean Torrano
Project: Obtaining pectin-rich fractions from rejected fruit from distribution centers (2022). Scholarship: FAPESP.

Guilherme Russo
Project: Study and modeling of heat transfer in a pasteurization process in a tubular system (2017). Scholarship: CAPES.

Igor Auad Cano
Projeto: Thermal processing of tomato products by using focused microwave technology (2023). Scolarship: CAPES

Kaiky Cesar Amaro
Projeto: Microwave-assisted pasteurization of orange juice (2019). Scolarship: FAPESP

Marcella Cassares Pires
Project: Microwave-assisted processing of coconut water (2019). Scholarship: CNPq.

Tiago Augusto Bulhões Bezerra Cavalcante
Project : Study of batch and continuous processing of mando pulp and nectar (Mangifera indica Linn) by focused microwaves (2017). Scholarship: CNPq.


Master Researchers

Gabriel Aparecido Atanazio da Silva
Projeto: Development of milk-based gels enriched with vitamin E through 3D printing (2024). Scholarship: CAPES.

Giovanna Milena Borges Hipólito
Projeto: Multiphysics modeling to study a microwave applicator for the continuous thermal processing of liquid foods (2024). Scholarship: CAPES;FAPESP.

Hany Marchena Pérez
Project: Use of non-commercial value fruits for the development of functional ingredients (2023). Scholarship: CAPES.

Milagre Saba Nbunde
Projeto: Utilization of papaya fruit peel (Carica Papaia) with no commercial value for the development of functional ingredients (2023). Scholarship: CAPES.



José Ivan Nunes Leite
Laboratory Technician

Vanessa Duarte
Research Assistant