
6 de fevereiro de 2019

Bolsa Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior – BEPE Doutorado – FAPESP

Aluna: Carolina Leonidas

Projeto: The (im)possibilities of the feminine: Sexuality of women with eating disorders

King´s College London, United Kingdon

Apoio: Bolsa BEPE Doutorado – FAPESP Reino Unido

Número do processo: 2015/15103-5

Período do Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior: 02/11/2015 a 01/02/2016

Supervisora: Prof. Dr. Janet Treasure, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience – IoPPN, King´s College London

Eating disorders (ED) are psychiatric illnesses characterized by persistent disturbance in eating or eating-related behavior that results in the altered consumption or absorption of food and significantly undermines one´s physical health and psychosocial behavior, resulting in high rates of morbidity and mortality. In Brazil, there are only 23 specialized services to treat ED: 11 in São Paulo, two in Rio de Janeiro, four in Rio Grande do Sul and one in each of the following states: Minas Gerais, Goiás, Bahia, Ceará, Paraná and Santa Catarina. Considering that Brazil’s current population is approximately 204 million, and that the majority of the services mentioned is not multidisciplinary, has few hired professionals and has little space available for treatment, it is clear that the supply of treatment for these psychopathological disorders in Brazil is still quite scarce, restricting not only the possibilities of treatment for patients, but also the possibilities of research and theoretical improvement of professionals working in this area. In this context, the present study aims to investigate the model of assistance, approaches and therapeutic techniques used by professionals who work at the Maudsley Hospital, a worldwide pioneer institution in the treatment of ED and part of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), provider the broadest portfolio of mental health services in the UK. This study will seek to acquire new knowledge that can contribute to reorganize the assistance models used in Brazil, particularly at the Assistance Group on Eating Disorders (GRATA), from the Clinic´s Hospital of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP), the first service specialized in the treatment of ED in Brazil, and in which the researcher has been carrying out her PhD research, continuing from her Master research and also undergraduate research and internship. Part of the team of professionals working with ED at the Maudsley Hospital is linked to the Eating Disorders Research Group of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) from King’s College London, United Kingdom (KCL). The insertion of the researcher in this context will include systematic observations of team meetings at the Maudsley Hospital and the research group during a three-month period, enabling the researcher´s knowledge over the innovative techniques of psychotherapy developed by Maudsley´s team, such as MANTRA – Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa for Adults. From the researcher’s original doctoral project, the systematic observations of the professional team and the research group will focus, beyond the technical aspects of the treatment, the way sexuality and issues related to women’s sexual experiences are addressed in the health care service. The study will also include periodical supervisions with Prof. Janet Treasure, PhD, linked to the Eating Disorders Research Group from the IoPPN – KCL, in order to present and discuss the doctoral research methodology and preliminary results. It is expected that the supervision will deepen and extend the analysis of the original doctoral research data, since Prof. Treasure is an expert in the field of ED. It is also expected that the reseracher´s knowledge about the methods and treatment approaches used in the institution abroad may later be employed as a model for improving the treatment of patients being followed at GRATA.

Aluna: Élide Dezoti Valdanha

Projeto: Les troubles alimentaires des jeunes filles et la dynamique familiale

Université Paris VII – Sorbonne – Université Paris Diderot, Paris

Apoio: Bolsa BEPE Doutorado – FAPESP França

Número do processo 2016/02147-7

Período do Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior: 15/08/2016 a 14/08/2017

Co-orientadora: Prof. Claire Squires, Université Paris Diderot

Projet de thèse présenté à FAPESP dans le cadre des conditions pour la cotutelle internationale à l’École Doctorale 450 Recherches en Psychanalyse et Psychopathologie (Sorbonne – Université Paris Diderot)

Étudiante boursière: Élide Dezoti Valdanha

Directeur de thèse: Manoel Antônio dos Santos

Directrice de stage et co-directrice de thèse: Claire Squires

Apoio: FAPESP – Bourse d’études: Bolsa de Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior – BEPE Doutorado

Cette étude, en cotutelle de thèse, a pour objectif de comprendre la dynamique familiale, au moyen d’une évaluation psychologique projective des caractéristiques de la personnalité des parents et des enfants présentant des troubles de conduites alimentaires (TCA), pour identifier les possibles relations entre le début et la continuité de la psychopathologie. C’est une recherche clinique qualitative basée sur la théorie psychanalytique faisant partie d’ une recherche plus large, intitulée “Troubles alimentaires, obésité et famille : une perspective transculturelle”, realisée en partenariat entre l’Université de São Paulo (Brésil) et l’Université Diderot-Paris. Trente personnes participeront à la présente étude : dix filles (entre 12 et 25 ans) diagnostiquées avec TCA, et leurs parents. Méthodologie: (1) Formulaire d’information sócio-démographiques ; (2) Guide d’entretien; (3) Test des Matrices Progressives de Raven ; (4) Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnosis (Q-EDD) ; (5) Test de Rorschach ; (6) Procédé du Dessin des Familles avec Histoires (DF-E). Les données seront organisées selon chaque participant, après selon chaque famille et interpretées selon la théorie psychanalytique. Nous espérons que cette étude pourra contribuer pour améliorer les interventions de l’ équipe pluridisciplinaire, la prevention et la promotion de la santé.


Aluno: Mario Augusto Tombolato

Projeto: Families with same-sex couples and their children: broadening research perspectives

University of Cambridge, England

Apoio: Bolsa BEPE Doutorado – FAPESP Reino Unido

Número do processo 2017/08547-0 

Período do Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior: 29/09/2017 a 01/04/2018

Supervisora: Prof. Susan Golombok, Centre for Family Research


This Research Internship Abroad (BEPE) is part of a doctoral study aiming at learning about the experiences of same-sex families through reports in the own voices of gay and lesbian couples, and their children (12 participants in total). In-depth audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and are now being analysed qualitatively together with other data on the participants. The theme is relevant nowadays, when many voices insist to claim that only one family model is proper, legitimate and healthy, whereas other arrangements are viewed as marginal or erratic. In addition, there is no record of multidisciplinary centres in Brazil specialising in the new family forms. The Centre for Family Research (CFR) is a multidisciplinary institute of the University of Cambridge, UK, also dedicated to studies on the impact of new arrangements on parenting and child development, especially with lesbian-mother and gay-father families. The objectives in this project are: (1) to enable the insertion of the applicant into the CFR to learn new approaches and methodological designs in new family arrangement studies, particularly those with same-sex couples, and (2) to refine the doctoral research in Brazil. The applicant will stay at the CFR for six months to participate in meetings, seminars, courses and events, and will explore every opportunity to discuss the procedures and data related to the study in Brazil. The data collected during the participation and observations will be subjected to thematic analysis, and a scientific report will be produced. The internship will enhance and help to complete the work of the student in Brazil. Furthermore, the knowledge to be built is expected to inspire and improve research conducted in the Laboratory for Teaching and Research in Health Psychology (LEPPS/USP), as well as amplify the dissemination and applicability of research in the Brazilian scenario.