Site da USP
Laboratório de Pesquisas Forenses e Genômica Universidade de São Paulo Departamento de Química - FFCLRP

Artigos Científicos

Applications of massively parallel sequencing in forensic genetics

Genetics and Molecular Biology. (2022). v. 45 (3 Suppl 1). e20220077.

Insights on hair, skin and eye color of ancient and contemporary Native Americans

Forensic Science International: Genetics (2020), v. 48, 102335

Evaluation of the HIrisPlex-S system in a Brazilian population sample

Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series (2019), v. 7, p: 794-796

Association of SNPs from the SLC45A2 gene with human pigmentation traits in Brazil

Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series (2013), v. 4 (1), p: e342-e343