Doctoral Fellows
MSc. Juliana Santos Rosa Viegas
MSc. Juliana Santos Rosa Viegas – ResearchID: R-8389-2017
Juliana obtained a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy in 2016 at Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). She worked in scientific initiation project in organic synthesis, aiming at the synthesis of new copolymers for the development of nanospheres; and another project in nanotechnology, aiming the development of liposome to carry essential oil with antimicrobial action, which solved in a patent (BR10201701340). She worked in the pharmaceutical industry, Ezequiel Dias Fundation (Government Company), in the physical-chemical quality control. She has experience in development and validation of HPLC and GC-MS methods. She holds a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017-2019) at University of Sao Paulo (USP) in the field of nanotechnology, developing and optimizing a Multifunctional Nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) co-delivering an antitumor molecule and siRNA for skin cancer. Currently, she is a PhD student also in nanotechnology field, optimizing the preparation method of NLC. The PhD projects also include a siRNAs combination to an innovative approach to treatment of skin cancer.
Doctoral Fellows
MSc. Ana Vitória Pupo Silvestrini
MSc. Ana Vitória Pupo Silvestrini – ResearchID: S-6720-2019
Ana Vitória obtained a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy in 2017 at Herminio Ometto University Center (FHO-Uniararas). During his graduation, she was a CNPq fellowship (2015-2017) with research projects involving the purification and biochemical characterization of proteins and peptides of natural and animal origin. Also investigated the in vivo effects of these biomolecules on the immune system (pro- and/ or anti-inflammatory activity) and as healing agents. She holds a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2018-2021) from the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto of University of Sao Paulo (FCFRP-USP). His research was focused on the nanotechnology of lyotropic liquid crystals as drug and nucleic acid carrier systems in psoriasis therapy. Currently, she is a PhD student also in the nanotechnology field, with the aim of developing a therapeutic strategy for vitiligo based on the combination of drugs and siRNAs.
Doctoral Fellows
MSc. Bryan Wender Debiasi
MSc. Bryan Wender Debiasi – ResearchID: M-2140-2018
Bryan obtained a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy in 2018 at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). He was a fellowship of scientific initiation active in Bioprospection of metabolites of toads of the Bufonidae family and Antifungal activity and induction of phytoalexins by extracts of nanostructured toads venoms. Master by the Post-Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCAM-UFMT), in the area of Bioprospecting with expertise in the development of microemulsified systems containing Cordia glabrata extract and evaluation of its potential antioxidant, virucidal and antimicrobial activity (2019-2021). Currently, PhD student at the University of São Paulo in the Graduate Program of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP/USP) with emphasis on the development and characterization of liquid crystalline phase nanostructured systems for mRNA carrying as a proposal for gene vaccination. He has experience in the fields of pharmacotechnics, physical chemistry and nanotechnology.
Undergraduate Student
Ualisson José da Silva
Ualisson José da Silva
Ualisson is an undergraduate student of pharmacy at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (USP). He develops a scientific initiation project in optimization of the production of Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) to carrying anti-inflammatory drugs for topical cutaneous application.
Undergraduate Student
Murilo Davoli Ferreira
Murilo is an undergraduate student at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. He develops a scientific initiation project in development and optimization of Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and Nanostructured lipid carrier (NCL) to perform photodynamic therapy using phthalocyanines for skin cancer.
Undergraduate Student
Julia de Oliveira Campos
Julia de Oliveira Campos
Julia is an undergraduate student at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. Her recently research in the NanoGeneSkin group has proposed the optimization of microemulsions preparation to developing newly treatments in the field of hormone replacement therapy.
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