IV.5 Special Credits
The following maximum number of special credits can be recognized for each of the programs: 12 (twelve) for the Master’s program, 12 (twelve) for the PhD Program and 24 (twenty-four) for the Direct PhD Program. These credits are specified in the items below:
IV.5.1 In the case of a complete paper published in a national or international journal with a reputable editorial board, or a book chapter of renowned merit in the area of expertise, provided that the student is the first author, and that the publication is related to the project of his/her thesis or dissertation, the number of special credits granted is equal to 4 (four). In the case of co-authorship, 2 (two) special credits will be granted.
IV.5.2 For the submission of patents, 2 (two) special credits will be granted.
IV.5.3 In case of participation in conferences, workshops, symposiums or any other type of scientific meeting with the presentation of a complete paper that is published (whether in printed or digital form) in records (or similar registries) and provided that the student is the first author, the number of credits granted is equal to 2 (two), limited to up to 2 (two) per event, with presentation of different papers.
IV.5.4 For participation in the Teaching Improvement Program (PAE), a total of 4 (four) credits will be granted, with a limit of one participation in this program for Master’s, PhD and Direct PhD students.
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