Cargo: Pesquisador Cientifico VI
Laboratório: Imunogenética – Instituto Butantan
Telefone: +55 11 2627-9702
Linha de Pesquisa
- Determinação dos fatores genéticos que afetam a resistência ou susceptibilidade à carcinogênese química utilizando camundongos geneticamente selecionados para diferente capacidade de produção de anticorpo;
- Estudo da ativação de macrófagos em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para resposta inflamatória aguda – Avaliação do papel desenvolvido pelo gene Slc11a1;
- Efeito do veneno de Bothrops jararaca em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para máxima ou mínima reação inflamatória aguda e
- Estudo da infecção pelo T.cruzi em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para diferente capacidade de produção de anticorpo ou resposta inflamatória aguda.
- Katz IS, Albuquerque LL, Suppa AP, de Siqueira DM, Rossato C, Silva GB, Jensen JR, Starobinas N, Cabrera WH, De Franco M, Borelli P, Ibañez OM, Ribeiro OG.7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Induced Myelotoxicity Differs in Mice Selected for High or Low Acute Inflammatory Response: Relationship With Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Polymorphism. Int J Toxicol. 20:1-13, 2014.
- De Franco M, Peters LC, Correa MA, Galvan A, Canhamero T, Borrego A, Jensen JR, Gonçalves J, Cabrera WH, Starobinas N, Ribeiro OG, Dragani T, Ibañez OM. Pristane-induced arthritis Loci interact with the slc11a1 gene to determine susceptibility in mice selected for high inflammation. PLoS One. 5: 1-10, 2014.
- Jensen JR, Galvan A, Borrego A, Cabrera WH, Ribeiro OG, Starobinas N, De Franco M, Colecchia M, Bertolotti A, Dragani TA, Ibañez OC. Genetic control of renal tumorigenesis by the mouse Rtm1 locus. BMC Genomics. 14:724, 2013.
- Galvan A, Vorraro F, Cabrera W, Ribeiro OG, Starobinas N, Jensen JR, dos Santos Carneiro P, De Franco M, Gao X, Ibañez OCM, Dragani TA. Association study by genetic clustering detects multiple inflammatory response loci in non-inbred mice. Genes and Immunity, p.390 – 394, 2011.
- Canhamero, Tatiane ; Reines, Brandon ; Peters, Luciana C. ; BORREGO, Andrea ; Carneiro, Patricia S. ; Albuquerque, Layra L. ; Cabrera, Wafa H. ; Ribeiro, Orlando G. ; Jensen, Jose R. ; Starobinas, N ; Ibañez, Olga M. ; Franco, Marcelo . Distinct Early Inflammatory Events during Ear Tissue Regeneration in Mice Selected for High Inflammation Bearing Slc11a1 R and S Alleles. Inflammation, v. 34, p. 303-313, 2011.
- Chibebe PC ; Starobinas, N. ; Pallos D. Juveniles versus adults: Differences in PGE2 levels in the gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic tooth movement. Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso), v. 24, p. 108-113, 2010.
- Vorraro F, Galvan A, Cabrera WHK, Carneiro PS, Ribeiro OG, De Franco M, Starobinas N, Jensen JR, Seman M, Dragani TA, Ibanez OCM. Genetic Control of IL-1beta Production and Inflammatory Response by the Mouse Irm1 Locus. The Journal of Immunology (1950), v.185, p.1616 – 1621, 2010.
- De Souza, Vinicius R.C. ; Cabrera, Wafa K. ; Galvan, Antonella ; Ribeiro, Orlando G. ; De Franco, Marcelo ; Vorraro, Francisca ; Starobinas, N. ; Massa, Solange ; Dragani, Tommaso A. ; Ibañez, Olga M. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor polymorphism modulates DMBA-induced inflammation and carcinogenesis in phenotypically selected mice. International Journal of Cancer, v. 124, p. 1478-1482, 2009.
- Amano, M. T. ; Carneiro, A. S. ; RIBEIRO, O. G. ; Cabrera, W. K. ; FRANCO, M. ; IBAÑEZ, O. M. ; ISAAC, L. ; Starobinas, N. . A new model of outbred genetically selected mice which present a strong acute inflammatory response in the absence of complement component C5. Inflammation Research, v. 58, p. 204-209, 2009.
- Carneiro PS, Peters LC, Vorraro F, Borrego A, Ribeiro OG, Starobinas N., Jensen JR, Cabrera WHK, Ibañez OM, De Franco M. Gene expression profiles of bone marrow cells from mice phenotype-selected for maximal or minimal acute inflammations: searching for genes in acute inflammation modifier loci. Immunology, v.128, p.e562 – e571, 2009.
- CARNEIRO, A ; RIBEIRO, O ; CABRERA, W ; VORRARO, F ; DE FRANCO, M ; IBANEZ, O ; Starobinas, N . Bothrops jararaca venom (BjV) induces differential leukocyte accumulation in mice genetically selected for acute inflammatory reaction: The role of host genetic background on expression of adhesion molecules and release of endogenous mediators. Toxicon, v. 52, p. 619-627, 2008.
- Peters L., Jensen JR, Borrego A, Cabrera WHK, Baker N, Starobinas N., Ribeiro OG, Ibañez OM, De Franco M. Slc11a1 (formerly Nramp1) gene polymorphism modulates both acute inflammatory reactions and pristane-induced arthritis in mice. Genes and Immunity. , v.8, p.51 – 56, 2007.
- DE FRANCO, M ; Carneiro, Patrícia dos Santos ; Peters, L. ; Vorraro, F. ; BORREGO, Andrea ; Ribeiro, Orlando Garcia ; Starobinas, N. ; Cabrera, W. ;IBAÑEZ, Olga . Slc11a1 (Nramp1) alleles interact with acute inflammation loci to modulate wound-healing traits in mice. Mammalian Genome, v. 18, p. 263-269, 2007.
- Borrego A, Peters LCOM, Jensen JR, Ribeiro OG, Cabrera WHK, Starobinas N., Seman, M, Ibañez OM, De Franco M. Genetic determinants of acute inflammation regulate Salmonella infection and modulate Slc11a1 gene (formerly Nramp1) effects in selected mouse lines. Microbes and Infection, v.8, p.2766 – 2771, 2006.
- Jensen JR, PETERS, Peters LCOM, Borrego A, Ribeiro OG, Cabrera WHK, Starobinas N., Siqueira, M, Ibañez OM, De Franco M. Involvement of antibody production quantitative trait loci in the susceptibility to pristane-induced arthritis in the mouse. Genes and Immunity, v.7, p.44 – 50, 2006.
- Souza, Carla M. ; Morel, Laurence ; Cabrera, Wafa H.K. ; Starobinas, N. ; Ribeiro, Orlando G. ; SIQUEIRA, Maria ; Iba?ez, Olga M. ; Franco, Marcelo . Quantitative trait loci in Chromosomes 3, 8, and 9 regulate antibody production against Salmonella flagellar antigensin the mouse. Mammalian Genome, Inglaterra, v. 15, p. 630-636, 2004.
- JENSEN, Jose Ricardo ; SOUZA, C M ; VIGAR, N. D. ; RIBEIRO, O. G. ; CABRERA, Wafa H. K. ; Starobinas, N. ; SIQUEIRA, Maria ; IBAÑEZ, O. M. ; FRANCO, Marcelo de . Quantitative trait locus in mouse chromossome 3 regulates both antibody production and susceptibility to pristane-induced arthritis. Immunology (Oxford), Itália, v. 88, p. 99-102, 2004.