Rules for Publication of Papers in the Congress Proceedings

Rules for Publication of Papers in the Congress Proceedings

Proceedings of the Congress will be published in the Congress Proceedings with ISBN[1] number

Full papers must be submitted for publication between May 10th and 30th, 2019 in accordance with the following instructions:



  1. About the digital format:

Documents must be submitted in DOC or RTF format for easier editing.

  1. About the Title:

Titles should be written in lowercase letters.

  1. About the authors:

Right after the title, aligned to the right, you should include the following information of each author: (a) full name; (b) the academic degree of the author; (c) institutional affiliation of the author (or last affiliation); (d) electronic address.

4. About the complete works:

a) It can be written in any language of the Congress (Portuguese, Spanish or English);

b) It must include a summary of up to 300 words;

c) Must have from 3 to 5 keywords;

d) Full paper must be between 10 pages minimum and 15 pages maximum, including bibliographic references.



2. Papers’ technical format:

2.1 Font size and spacing

Papers should be written in Times New Roman’s font, size 12, with a spacing of 1.5”. Between Paragraphs you should choose the line spacing option “Before 0 pt” and “After 6 pt”. Standard margins: 3 (top) / 3 (left) / 2 (right) / 2 (bottom).

The subtitles and subdivisions of the text should be only bold highlighted (i.e, no numbering for each subtitle or subdivision), with normal paragraph indentation and Times New Roman font, size 12.

2.2 About the footnotes:

 Footnotes should only be used for explanatory purposes.

The footnote number should be positioned right after the word when the note is in the middle of the sentence. If the word appears at the end of the sentence, the note should be positioned before the full stop.

Footnotes should be single-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 10, with no extra spaces, no indents and no spacing.

2.3 About the quotations:

The literal quotations in the body of the text should always be in quotation marks, but without italics.


It is known that throughout the text, “it is always necessary to indicate, with method and precision, all the documentation that serves as the basis for the research, as well as the ideas and suggestions of others inserted in the work.” (CERVO, BERVIAN, p.97).

Authors’ references should be in the “Author, Date, Page” system, in parenthesis, with the author’s last name in UPPERCASE, followed by the publication year and the page, separated by a comma.

(CERVO; BERVIAN, 1978, p. 97)

Foreign words, i.e. words in Portuguese or Spanish, should be in italics, without quotation marks, as well as the name of institutions and titles of works.

2.4 Tables presentation:

All tables should be subtitled by their titles, mention of their source(s), complete bibliographic references and sequential numbering.

2.5 Images presentation:

Each image should be inserted with its subtitle. The images should include source and / or authorship with full bibliographical references. The authors will be responsible for authorizing the rights to disseminate the images.

2.6 About bibliographic references:


SURNAME, FIRST NAME. Title: subtitle (if any). Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication of the work.


HOBSBAWM, Eric. The Age of Extremes: The short twentieth century: 1914/1991. 2a. edition. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2015.


SURNAME, FIRST NAME; SURNAME, FIRST NAME abbreviated. Title: subtitle (if any). Journal’s name, place of publication, volume, number or issue, pagination, date of publication of the journal.


SANTEIRO, T. V. Creativity in psychoanalysis: international scientific production (1996-1998). Psychology: Theory and Practice, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 2, p. 43-59, jul./dec. 2000.


SURNAME, FIRST NAME abbreviated. Title: subtitle (if any). Newspaper’s name, Place of publication, page, date of publication of the newspaper with the abbreviated month.


ADES, C. Animals also think: and have consciousness. Jornal da Tarde, São Paulo, p. 4D, 15 Apr. 2001.


Author (s), title of the submitted work, subtitle (if any), followed by the expression In: event title, event numbering, year and place of accomplishment, document title, (Annals, Minutes, Thematic Topics) place, publisher, date of publication, start and end page of part range.


CASTRO, R.E. F .; MELO, M. H. S .; SILVARES, E. F. M. Evaluation of the perception of the pairs of children with difficulties of interaction in a branch of the school clinic of the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo. In: INTERNAL CONGRESS OF THE INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO, 5., 2001, São Paulo. Abstracts. São Paulo: Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, 2001. p. 49.


AUTHOR (S). Title: subtitle (if any) Available at: <URL address>. Access date


FACULTY OF AGRONOMY OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Manual of bibliographic references. Available at: Accessed on: Aug 20, 2012.


SURNAME, FIRST NAME abbreviated. Title: subtitle (if any). Date of defense. Total pages. Thesis (Doctorate) or Dissertation (Masters) – Institution where the Thesis or Dissertation was defended. Place and date of defense.


FANTUCCI, I. Contribution of alertness, attention, intention and temporal expectation to the performance of humans in reaction time tasks. 2001. 130 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Psychology) – Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo. 2001.


Regarding technical aspects not presented here, you should consult the Technical Standards of ABNT (

The quality of the text, as well as the spelling and grammatical correctness are the author’s responsibility. The editors of the Congress Proceedings will only accept the complete papers after they have been adjusted to the Formatting Technical Standards required here. The adaptations of the texts by the editors of the CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS that are necessary for the publication will be done without consultation.

Only the papers presented at the event will be published.

The copyrights of the published articles belong to the authors who will not receive remuneration for the publications in the Congress Proceedings, since the Congress has no profit purposes.

By submitting an article, the author authorizes its publication and declares to be aware of the rules published above.

[1] International Standard Book Number.