Invitation to the 38th Colloquium’ of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
We invite everyone to participate in the 38th Colloquium’ of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), with the theme Organizing: the Beauty of Imperfection, which will take place between the 7th and 9th of July 2022 in Vienna.
In this issue, Professor Tania P. Christopoulos, along with other researchers, will coordinate a sub-theme and invite researchers to submit their short paper by January 11, 2022. Sub-theme 61: The Imperfection of Perfect Organizational Narratives, coordinated by Adriana Wilner, Hamid Foroughi, from the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, and Tania Pereira Christopoulos, from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
The sub-theme will address how organizational narratives seek perfection, seeking to eliminate the imperfections inherent in organizations, and will encompass research on the emergence or suppression of narratives that oppose official history, on narratives based on fantasies that permeate organizations, revealing their nature imperfect, and about the impact of social media on the dominant organizational narrative.
For more information visit the event website.
We count on your participation.