Outstanding Thesis Award USP 2020 grants honorable mention to EACH study
The Pro-Rectory of Postgraduation (PRPG) has recently announced the result of the Outstanding Thesis Award USP 2020, which contemplated the EACH/USP with an honorable mention for a study developed in the Postgraduate Program in Sustainability.
The awarded work is the doctoral thesis “Sustainable Production and Consumption Policy: study under the perspective of strategic fields of action”, authored by Érico Luciano Pagotto, under the supervision of professor Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves Dias. The thesis was awarded an honorable mention in the knowledge area “Multidisciplinary”.
“It is very gratifying to have our student’s work recognized with an honorable mention in the Great Multidisciplinary Area of the Outstanding Thesis Award USP 2020. Gratifying for Érico, for me, for our program, and for our School. I feel honored to be part of PPgSUS EACH,” says Professor Sylmara, noting that this is the second consecutive year that a thesis of the Sustainability Program receives an honorable mention in the award. “This recognition strengthens and reinvigorates our conviction that we are on the right track. The innovative, transforming, and interdisciplinary proposal of our School is showing its power. A great cheers for our EACH. A gift for our 15 years.”