Result of the competition to choose the logo of the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Sustainability (SIS)
The Communication Commission of the Postgraduate Program in Sustainability informs that Camila Espezio de Oliveira is the winner of the competition to choose the logo for the SIS-Interdisciplinary Seminar on Sustainability. The candidate obtained a final grade of 741 points, according to the criteria and weights established in the public notice and evaluated by the judging committee (Four professors from PPGSUS and a post-doctoral student, also from the Program).
The Commission will soon contact the winner to hold the award and publicize it on the PPGSUS social networks.
As stated in the notice, any appeals must be sent within 24 (twenty-four) hours after the official result is published on the EACH/USP Sustainability Graduate Program website and must be sent to the email ppgsuscom-each@ with the title: “Resource – SIS logo competition”. The e-mail must include the articulated justification for the request.
The result of the appeal will be sent by email within 48 (forty-eight) hours after the applicants request.
We appreciate the participation of all
Organizing committee
Prof. Dr. Evandro Mateus Moretto
teacher Flavia Noronha Dutra Ribeiro
Prof. Dr. Paulo Santos de Almeida
Doctoral student: Geise Corrêa Teles
Master’s student: Igor Fernandes Antunes