
Carnival 4.0

LabArteMídia — the Laboratory of Art, Media and Digital Technologies, led by Prof. Dr. Almir Almas — was invited to take part in the “Carnival


DIASPORÁTICAS, a neologism resulting from the combination of the terms: diaspora + erratic, is an immersive audiovisual experience created using resources for capturing and displaying

Digital self / Presence_Lab

Digital Self | Presence_Lab is a practical-theoretical research project into intermedia performance poetics based on the concept of alterperformance, a contemporary form of performance art

Beco 360° (The Alley: 360°)

Beco 360 (The Alley: 360°) is an investigation that tests the possibilities and limits of 360° audiovisuals and the Orad program as an immersive experience

SP Digital

SP Digital integrated the production of audiovisual content, social mobilization activities and dissemination about the switch off of the analogue TV signal in the state

Corpo ARtifício

Every artifact we add to our actions is a technology with utility and meaning. In the Corpo ARtifício project, the use of Augmented Reality proposes

Transcender Project

The Transcender Project is a platform under development for a Farewell Ceremony and Online Memorial. The project emerged in 2020, as reported on the LabArteMídia

COIL/VSAT Project 2023

The COIL/VSAT (Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) / Virtual Storytelling Application and Toolkit (VSAT) project was carried out in the first half of 2023 under


The holographic audiovisual video installation Cineportico is an original audiovisual, architectural and structural work that seeks to rescue the machines that enable instantaneous displacement in