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Carson, J.F.; Whitney, B.S.; Mayle, F.E.; Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Soto, J.D.; Watling, J. (2014) Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, v.111, p.10497-10502.

Estevez E.J.; Villagran, X.S.; Balbo, A.L.; Hardy, K. (2014). Microtaphonomy in archaeological sites: The use of soil micromorphology to better understand bone taphonomy in archaeological contexts. Quaternary International, v. 330, p. 3-9.

Villagran, X.S. (2014). A redefinition of waste: deconstructing shell and fish mound formation among coastal groups of southern Brazil. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, p. 2011-227.

Villagran, X.S.; Poch, R.M. (2014). A new form of needle-fiber calcite produced by physical weathering of shells. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v.213, p.173 – 177.

Villagran, X.S. (2014) Experimental Micromorphology on Burnt Shells of (Gmelin 1791) (Bivalvia, Veneridae) and its Potential for Identification of Combustion Features on Shell-Matrix Sites. Geoarchaeology (New York. Print), v.29, p.389 – 396.

Villagran, X.S.; Giannini, P. (2014). Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. The Holocene, 24, p. 1009-1016.