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Calo, M.C.; Rizzutto, M.A.; Watling, J.; Furquim,L.P,; Shock, M.P.; Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Freitas, F.O.; Kistler, L.; Zimpel, C.A.; Hermenegildo, T.; Neves, E.G.; Pugliese, F.A. (2019) Study of plant remains from a fluvial shellmound (Monte Castelo, RO, Brazil) using the X-ray MicroCT imaging technique. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, p.10192.

Cassino, M.F.; Alves, R.P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A.B.; Shock, M.P.; Ferreira, M.J.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Furquim, L.P.; Coelho, S.D.; Tamanaha, E.K.; Neves, E.G.; Clement, C.R. (2019) Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology Applied to Historical Ecology. In: Albuquerque, U., de Lucena, R., Cruz da Culha, L., Alves, R. (eds) Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. New York: Humana Press. pp.187-208.

Villagran, X.S. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory v.26, p.344 – 395, 2019.

Villagran, X.S.; Strauss, A.; Alves, M.Y; Oliveira, R.E. (2019) Virtual micromorphology: The application of micro-CT scanning for the identification of termite mounds in archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v.24, p.785 – 795.