USP enginners create biodegradable plastic made from cassava, transparent and resistant
USP enginners create biodegradable plastic made from cassava, transparent and resistant Read in USP News Read in G1 News
USP enginners create biodegradable plastic made from cassava, transparent and resistant Read in USP News Read in G1 News
Master’s Dissertation Defense: Moldeing the lethality of the continuous thermal process of a pilot microwave-assisted pasteurization unit. Candidate: Tamires Kawahara Oishi Advisor: Jorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut Date: 18/10/2019 at 9h
Some foods should never be microwaved: myth or truth? Read on Catraca Livre – Equilibre-se
Green technology: Research groups from Esalq and Poli?USP develop new biodegradable plastic. Read on ESALQ Notícias Set 2019
Master’s Dissertantion Defense: Study and modeling of heat transfer in a pasteurization processe in a tubular system Candidate: Guilherme Russo Advisor: Jorge Andrey Wilhelms Gut Date: 02/09/2019 at 2 pm
“Research from Polytechnic School of USP, in São Paulo, have created 100% biodegradable packaging, made from cassava starch and capable of interacting with the content ir carries! Check out the full program”
News report in FAPESP Magazine with the collaboration of Profa. Carmen Tadini.
Notícias FAPESP: Projeto possibilita produção de embalagens inovadoras em larga escala
Notícia no Jornal da USP: Cientistas brasileiras desenvolvem embalagens biodegradáveis ativas e inteligentes Matérias-primas de origem vegetal e resíduos agroindustriais geram alternativas ao plástico e incluem outras utilidades para as embalagens, como conservar os alimentos
A Professora Carmen Tadini em entrevista para Rádio USP, fala sobre novas fórmulas para filme plástico e embalagens tradicionais.