Prof. Sílvio Silvério
Full Professor of the University of São Paulo (USP), where has also obtained the title of Associate Professor, concluded the Doctorate in Biochemical-Pharmaceutical Technology by USP and Gesellchaft Fuer Biotechnologishe Forshung GBF – Germany. Is Professor and Head of the Department of Biotechnology of the Engineering College of Lorena – Campus USP. Colaborating Professor in the PhD Programs of the Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas and of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico, Evaluator of Higher Education Institutions and Undergraduate Courses for SINAES/MEC. Associate Researcher of the Bioenergy Research Institute – IPBEN. Awards winner: Professional Highlight Education (2015), Highlight Industry-Education (2015), Science of Impact in Biotechnology (2014, 2015 and 2016), National Postgraduate Award, Brasken, ABEQ, Dow Sustainability Innovation Award, and others. Carries out ad hoc advisory activities for various national and international institutions. Is reviewer for 40 international journals. Has published 176 articles in specialized international journals and 760 manuscripts presented in major international events. Has published 29 book chapters. Holds 2 registered technological processes (patents) already granted, and 4 in deposit. Has supervised 103 research projects, among them 27 Master’s Dissertations, 11 Doctoral Theses and 74 Scientific Initiation works, in the areas of Applied Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering and Waste Utilization. Received 27 awards and/or honors, coordinated 22 funded research projects, with 2 major projects, being one in the Thematic Project’s category within the BIOEN program of FAPESP, involving USP, UFJF, UFMG, UNESP and two international institutions, and other projects within the Cooperation EEL-USP and Colorado State University (USA), funded by CNPq/NSF (USA), and University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada), funded by FAPESP/UOIT, involving bioproducts and lignocellulosics. Currently, is the principal researcher on a Thematic Project approved by FAPESP, and coordinates 2 international projects approved in collaboration with Research Institutes of India. Has edited 4 international books, and was the guest editor of the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. Acts in the area of Biotechnology, with emphasis on Industrial and Fermentation Microbiology. In his professional activities, has interacted with about 185 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works. Was Vice-Director and Research Advisor of the former FAENQUIL, currently EEL-USP. In his curriculum Lattes, the most frequent terms in the contextualization of the scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: xylitol, c. guilliermondii, xylitol, sugarcane bagasse, fermentation, hemicellulosic hydrolysate, cell immobilization, bioproducts, bioethanol, biofuels. Has scientific collaboration with several national and international institutions, such as: Italy, Spain, Germany, Mexico, United States, Canada, China and India.