Profa. Rita de Cássia
Graduated in Food Technology from the Technical Industrial College of UNICAMP (1987), in Industrial Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Lorena (1996), pursued Master’s Degree in Industrial Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Lorena (1999), Doctorate’s degree in Biotechnology from the University of São Paulo / Institute of Biomedical Sciences – Interunidades USP / Instituto Butantan / IPT (2005), with Postdoctorate from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and USDA Forest Products Laboratory – Madison – USA (2008). At EEL-USP, acts as professor in the undergraduate courses in Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemical Engineering, and has taught in the Technical Course in Chemistry of the Colégio Técnico de Lorena – COTEL-USP. Acts in the area of Biochemical Engineering and Industrial and Fermentation Microbiology. Acts, mainly, on the following themes: chemical and enzymatic conversion of lignocellulosic residues for the production of ethanol and xylitol by yeasts, development and optimization of bioprocesses, and screening design and optimization of experiments.