(Português) Bueno, Maria Esther

São Paulo (Brazil), 1939 By Pablo Alabarces The greatest Latin American tennis player in history, Maria Esther Bueno from São Paulo started playing tennis at six years old and became the Brazilian champion at fifteen. At seventeen, she participated in her first international competition, the Pan American Games. In 1957,…

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(Português) Buarque de Holanda, Chico

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1944 By Alberto Ikeda Composer, lyricist, and writer, Francisco Buarque de Holanda became notable in the 1960s and 1970s, mainly for his politically charged musical production, which contested the authoritarianism of the military dictatorship that Brazil experienced from 1964 to 1985. He was one of the…

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(Português) Brizola, Leonel de Moura

Ruzinha, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 2004 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Born to a poor family in rural Rio Grande do Sul, Leonel de Moura Brizola emerged as one of Brazil's most prominent political leaders of the 20th century. Representing the most radical expression of Getúlio Vargas's labor movement,…

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(Português) Bressane, Júlio

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1946 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda Júlio Eduardo Bressane de Azevedo is regarded as an experimental filmmaker. His debut feature film, Cara a cara (1968), was a poetic film close to the ideals of Cinema Novo. He made two landmark works that inaugurated the concept…

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(Português) Bouterse, Désiré Delano

Domburg (Suriname), 1945 By Rodrigo Nobile A career soldier, he served as a sports instructor in the Army and was one of the leaders of the National Military Council. He led a coup d’état and later co-founded the National Democratic Party (NDP). His name is often associated with the military…

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(Português) Botero, Fernando

Medellín (Colombia), 1932 By Francisco Alambert Fernando Botero, the most well-known Colombian painter of the 20th century, is known for his distinctive representation of obese or rounded human figures, often incorporating ironic, parodic, and nostalgic references to art history and social and political life. He is regarded by many as…

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(Português) Bosch, Juan

La Vega, 1909 - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 2001 By Emir Sader Essayist and political leader of the Dominican Republic, he was elected president of the country in 1962 as the candidate of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) following the end of Trujillo’s dictatorship. He implemented a reformist program but…

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(Português) Borges, Jorge Luis

Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1889 - Geneva (Switzerland), 1986 By Flávio Aguiar One of the foundational pillars of 20th-century Latin American literature, he ensured both the renewal and the re-engagement with Western cultural roots for the continent. He created the Martín Fierro group, a mouthpiece for the literary avant-garde in Argentina…

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(Português) Borge Martínez, Tomás

Matagalpa, 1930 - Managua, 2012 (Nicaragua) By Orlando Nuñes Soto During the Somoza dictatorship, Tomás Borge Martínez was imprisoned and narrowly escaped death, thanks to the solidarity of Nicaraguan social movements. During the years of the Sandinista Revolution in power, he served as Minister of the Interior, overseeing the security…

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(Português) Boff, Leonardo

Concórdia (Brazil), 1938 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Leonardo Boff, author of approximately sixty books and a former Franciscan, studied philosophy and theology, obtaining a doctorate in these areas from the University of Munich (Germany) in 1970. As one of the founders of Liberation Theology, he published several key works that…

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