1st International Congress on Thought and Research on Latin America – 3rd International Symposium Thinking and Rethinking Latin America

In 2014, the Latin America’s Integration Inter-Units Graduate Program – Prolam/USP of the University of São Paulo (PROLAM/USP) created the 1st International Symposium Thinking and Rethinking Latin America, with the objective of disseminating the production of knowledge about the region in the fields of politics, economics, sociology, communication, culture, education, rights and international relations.

Our proposal is to gather postgraduate students and researchers from Brazil and other countries to reflect on the region problems from diverse theoretical

Therefore our objective is to articulate academic links between Latin American researchers in Brazil and with colleagues from institutions around the world. After the success of the first experience, the second edition of the symposium was held in 2016.

About the 2019 Event: The experience of two previous events has shown that there is a growing demand in Brazil researchers and scholars on Latin America who do not find spaces or interlocutors within the country to discuss their intellectual concerns.

While in the international scenario there are several events on Latin America with interdisciplinary perspectives and important presence of researchers from different countries, in Brazil events about the region are relatively few when compared to the production potential, and do not always cross the several areas knowledge of the social sciences, the humanities and the arts in a single event.

This lack of specific spaces for thinking about Latin America from Brazil differ from the tradition of intellectuals who, since the middle of the last century and especially in the 1960s and 1970s, have contributed very profusely to intellectual projects on Latin America.

Examples of this tradition include a rich tradition of thinkers on regional economic and political dependence such as Florestan Fernandes, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Octávio Ianni, Francisco Weffort, Theotónio dos Santos, Vânia Bambirra, Rui Mauro Marini, among others.

The PROLAM/USP event contributes to supply, initially, the lack of interdisciplinary spaces of encounter and debate of the intellectual projects on Latin America in Brazil. Secondly, it proposes to articulate the Brazilian thinkers with intellectuals from other countries of the region and the world to establish interdisciplinary and scientific dialogues.

PROLAM/USP celebrates 30 years of existence in 2018 and this event is a great opportunity to celebrate with our Latin American colleagues from all over the world. As a consequence of our previous events success we divided the symposium in two scientific activities. The first one is the 3rd Symposium with focus on discussions about the challenges to interpret Latin America; the second event is the 1st Congress which will address various subjects.

The 3rd International Symposium Thinking and Rethinking Latin America gather internationally reconized CONFERENCISTS and speakers to debate in ROUND TABLES.The focus of this part of the event is to know and debate the social and humanistic thinking produced on Latin America.

The 1st International Congress on Thought and Research on Latin America will provide a opportunity for the presentations of Brazilian and Latin American researchers.

Check our schedule (inscriptions here)

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