USP Sustainability Universidade de São Paulo
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Check out the schedule of presentations for the Sustainability Research Seminars First Semester-2021

The Sustainability Research Seminars are environments for scientific debate of the work in progress/finished in the Postgraduate Program in Sustainability and relevant themes to the PPgSUS, presented through thematic seminars. This is an opportunity for students to present their work to faculty and colleagues in the program, providing an environment for discussion and learning, important time, especially for those who are close to qualification or defense.

This year, as well as in 2020, the meetings will take place remotely and will be held on Fridays, from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm. The schedule of presentations is built collectively, according to the availability of the students.

More information available here 

Professor in Charge:
Dr. Alexandre Toshiro Igari (

Student Team:
Camila Espezio de Oliveira (
Geise Corrêa Teles (
João Marcos Mott Pavanelli (
João Vitor Rodrigues de Souza (
Patrícia Elaine da Silva (
Tiago Lopes de Andrade Lima (
Yussra Abdul Ghani (