Thesis of the Sustainability Graduate Program receives the award for the best thesis in the area of Environmental Sciences at the CAPES Thesis Award 2022
The thesis “Resource recovery from wastewater treatment: challenges, opportunities and guidance for planning and implementation” by Mariana Cardoso Chrispim, developed in the Sustainability Graduate Program with the guidance of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Antunes Nolasco, won the prize for the best thesis in the area of Environmental Sciences at the CAPES Thesis Award 2022.
The thesis aimed to guide planning, technology and policy development towards resource recovery from municipal WWTP in large cities of developing countries. According to the author, the thesis presents a comprehensive knowledge base for wastewater treatment plant managers and decision-makers leading to a better understanding of resource recovery solutions and the actions needed to facilitate implementation.
We remind you that Mariana was the first student approved for a double degree doctorate at EACH/USP. Student Mariana Cardoso Chrispim won the titles of Doctor of Science, by the School’s Sustainability Program, and PhD in Engineering, by the Water Resources Engineering Program, at the University of Lund, Sweden.
You can read more information about the research in USP’s theses and dissertations bank.