During the week of 16 to20 October 2023, researchers from UEM (Mozambique) and USP (Brazil) visited IETcc-CSIC within the framework of the ICOOPB2022-Fo4R_Mozambi project, of which D. Moisés Frías Rojas from the Materials Recycling group of IETcc is Principal Investigator. The Fo4R_Mozambi project seeks to contribute to the implementation of lines of research related to the circular economy, such as the “valorisation of local waste” in Mozambique. To this end, two actions are proposed based on the development of training and knowledge transfer and exchange activities that allow the transformation of sustainable production and consumption systems of materials. This visit is contemplated within the training activities of research methodologies in Circular Economy. The purpose of the visit is to acquire scientific-technical knowledge and learning of instrumental techniques to develop research in the recycling of local waste into cement-based materials, as well as in the application of techniques for the production of nanofibrillated fibres from residual vegetable raw materials for the reinforcement of non-conventional cement-based materials. This project is the start of future collaborations between the 3 countries involved.
NANO-NOCMAT INCOBRA related projects http://sites.usp.br/biosmat/en/english-incobra-project/
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