The Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering aims at the formation of high-level researchers able to investigate and solve scientific and technological problems by means of materials science concepts and techniques related to synthesis, development, characterization, and application of materials towards the agroindustry. Accordingly, emphasis is given to unconventional materials resulting from agroindustrial activities while bearing in mind applications for that economic sector.
Area of concentration
Development, characterization, and application of materials towards the agroindustry
Lines of research
Technology of natural polymers
Ceramics and composites
More information is available at FZEA/USP website (link).
The Biosystem Engineer is a professional able to design systems focused on sustainable production by using innovative technologies in the agribusiness chain, contributing to food, material, and energy production, focusing on economic and social development.
Biosystems Engineering is a new area of knowledge, created due to the technological evolution in farm production processes. There is a great field of action in Brazil because most of the farming process and Animal Science technology is imported. As working field, areas of infrastructural engineering, control and automation, technology, planning, and management can be highlighted. Besides being tied to Agrarian Sciences, Biosystems Engineering approaches nontraditional knowledge to the area, while introducing contents related to modern resources in biosensors, electronics, automation, and biofuels, among others, emphasizing entrepreneurship and technological innovations representing deep changes in the farm production environment.
The full-time Biosystems Engineering undergraduate program lasts ten semesters.
Mandatory or elective courses cover priority areas of the profession, providing solid education compatible with USP standards in undergraduate courses and preparing the new professional for demands of both market and scientific and technological development.
Moreover, students become aware of social, economic, environmental scenarios in the country, thus becoming a prospective transformation agent in society. Students will also be able to complement their academic and professional background relying on scientific initiation scholarships offered by USP or funding agencies as well as international exchange and trainee programs. Depending on student’s social and economic background, USP also offers housing and alimentation support.
FZEA offers 60 annual seats for the Biosystems Engineering undergraduate program.
More information is available at FZEA/USP website (link).
(Source: FZEA/USP,
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