OLIVEIRA, T.M.; LACERDA, J.T.J.G.; LEITE, G.G.F.; DIAS, M.; MENDES, M.A.; KASSAB, P.; SILVA, C.G.S.; JULIANO, M.A.; FORONES, N.M. Label-free peptide quantification coupled with in silico mapping of proteases for identification of potential serum biomarkers in gastric adenocarcinoma patients. Clinical Biochemistry, 77, 1-50, 2020.
BEZERRA, T.; ESTÉVEZ, M.; LACERDA, J.T.J.G.; DIAS, M.; JULIANO, M.A.; MENDES, M.A.; MORGANO, M.; PACHECO, M.T.; MADRUGA, M. Chicken combs and wattles as sources of bioactive peptides: optimization of hydrolysis, identification by LC-ESI-MS2 and bioactivity assessment. Molecules, 2020, 25, 1698.
SANTOS, T.S.; CAMPOS, F.B.; PADOVANI, N.F.A.; DIAS, M.; MENDES, M.A.; MAFFEI, D.F. Assessment of the microbiological quality and safety of minimally processed vegetables sold in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 71, 187-194, 2020.
FORONES, N.M.; OLIVEIRA, T.M.; LACERDA, J.T.J.G.; DIAS, M.; MENDES, M.A.; JULIANO, M.A. Integrating endogenous peptides analysis and protease mapping for identification of potential serum biomarkers in gastric adenocarcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37, e15564-e15564, 2019.
LIMA, K.O.; QUADROS, C.C.; ROCHA, M.; LACERDA, J.T.J.G.; JULIANO, M.A.; DIAS, M.; MENDES, M.A.; PRENTICE, C. Bioactivity and bioaccessibility of protein hydrolyzates from industrial byproducts of Stripped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa). Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 111, 408-413, 2019.
ROZAS, E.E.; MENDES, M.A.; CUSTÓDIO, M.R.; ESPINOSA, D.C.R.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O. Self-assembly of supramolecular structure based on copper-lipopeptides isolated from e-waste bioleaching liquor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 368, 63-71, 2019.
GRACA, C.A.; MANIERO, M.G.; ANDRADE, L.M.; GUIMARAES, J.R.; COSTA, A.C.S.T. Evaluation of amicarbazone toxicity removal through degradation processes based on hydroxyl and sulfate radicals. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 55, 1-11, 2019.
DIAS, M.; LACERDA, J.T.J.G.; ALMEIDA, S.P.C.; ANDRADE, L.M.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; ROZAS, E.E.; MENDES, M.A. Response mechanism of mine-isolated fungus Aspergillus niger IOC 4687 to copper stress determined by proteomics. Metallomics, 11, 1558-1566, 2019.
GRAÇA, C.A.L.; MENDES, M.A.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C.; VELOSA, A.C. Anoxic degradation of chlorpyrifos by zerovalent monometallic and bimetallic particles in solution. Chemosphere, 1, 125461, 2019.
ANDRADE, L.M.; ANDRADE, C.J.; DIAS, M.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; MENDES, M.A. Chlorella and Spirulina microalgae as sources of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and food supplements; an overview. MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 6, 144, 2018.
HOLLANDA, L.R.; GRAÇA, C.A.L.; ANDRADE, L.M.; MENDES, M.A.; CHIAVONE-FILHO, O.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C. Non-traditional atrazine degradation induced by zero-valent-copper: process optimization by the Doehlert experimental design, intermediates detection and toxicity assessment. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 93, 1, 2018.
ROZAS, E.E.; MENDES, M.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; ESPINOSA, D.C.R.; OLIVEIRA, R.; CUSTÓDIO, M.R. Bioleaching of electronic waste using bacteria isolated from the marine sponge Hymeniacidon heliophila (Porifera). Journal of Hazardous Materials (Print), 329, 120-130, 2017.
ANDRADE, C.J.; Andrade L.M.; MENDES, M.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O. An overview on the production of microbial copper nanoparticles by bacteria, fungi and algae. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 17, 41-48, 2017.
ROCHA, D.F.O.; CUNHA, C.M.S.; BELAZ, K.R.A.; SANTOS, F.N.; HINZ, R.H.; PEREIRA, A.; VISCONTI, A.; WICKET, E.; ANDRADE, L.M.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; EBERLIN, M.N. Lipid and protein fingerprinting for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense strain-level classification. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Online), 1, 2017.
ANDRADE, C.J.; ANDRADE, L.M.; DIAS, M.; Maria Mendes, M.A.; NASCIMENTO, CLÁUDIO A.O. Isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa from mining site: proteome changes due to presence of copper. Current Trends in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1, 42-49, 2017.
ALVES L.A.C.; SOUZA, R.C.; SILVA, T.M.C.; WATANABE, A.; DIAS, M.; MENDES, M.A.; CIAMPONI, A. L. Identification of microorganisms in biofluids of individuals with periodontitis and chronic kidney disease using the MALDI-TOF-MS technique. RCM. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30, 1228-1232, 2016.
ANDRADE, C.J.; SIMIQUELI, A.P.R.; ANDRADE, L.M.; MENDES, M.A.; JAUREGI, P.; PASTORE, G.M. Comparative study: bench-scale surfactin production from bacillus subtilis using analytical grade and concentrated glycerol from the biodiesel industry. International Journal of Scientific World, 5, 28, 2016.
ROZAS, E.E.; MENDES, M.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; RODRIGUES, J.C.V.; ALBANO, R.M.; CUSTÓDIO, M.R. Reduction of RBL-2H3 cells degranulation by nitroaromatic compounds from a Bacillus strain associated to the Amazonian sponge Metania reticulata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print), 96, 1-6, 2015.
ANDRADE, L.M.; MENDES, M.A.; KOWALSKI, P.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O. Comparative study of different matrix/solvent systems for the analysis of crude lyophilized microalgal preparations using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. RCM. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, v. 29, p. 295-303, 2015.
BORGES, C.N, MENDES, M.A., ALVES, R.M.B. Mathematical modelling of an industrial delayed coking unit. 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE) and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (Escape), PT A Série de livros: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 515-520, 2015.
PANTOJA, P.A.; MENDES, M.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O. Contribution of mass spectrometry in assessing quality of petroleum fractions: the use of mass spectrometry for assessing asphaltenes. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 109, 198-205, 2013.
GRACIOSO, L.H., AVANZI, I.R., BALTAZAR, M.P.G., MARTINS-PINHEIRO, M., KAROLSKI, B., MENDES, M.A., MENCK, C.F.M., NASCIMENTO, C.A.O., PERPETUO, E.A. Proteome analysis of phenol-degrading Achromobacter sp strain C-1, isolated from an industrial area. Current Proteomics, 9, 280-289, 2012.
BORGES, C.N., ALVES, R.M.B., MENDES, M.A., RAMOS, R.R., UNGAR, G.C. Study of vacuum residue characterization for development of mathematical model for delayed coking unit: Using molecular information. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 244, 2012.
FRIEDRICH, L.C.; MENDES, M.A.; SILVA, V.O.; ZANTA, C.L.P.S.; MACHULEK, J.R.A.; QUINA, F.H. Mechanistic implications of zinc (II) ions on the degradation of phenol by the fenton reaction. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 23, 7, 1372-1377, 2012.
ARAÚJO, R.O.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O.; MENDES, M.A. Determination of volatile organic compounds present in fruit from the Geonoma gamiova and Geonoma pauciflora palm trees using the SPME technique. Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 3, 164-168, 2011.
PERPETUO, E.A.; MARQUES, R.C.P.; MENDES, M.A.; LIMA, W.C.; MENCK, C.F.M.; NASCIMENTO, C.A.O. Characterization of the phenol monooxygenase gene from Chromobacterium violaceum: Potential use for phenol biodegradation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 14, 6, 694-701, 2009.
Comparação do perfil proteômico através da técnica de espectrometria de massas dos fungos Aspergillus niger e Rhizopus microsporus submetidos à estresse pela adição de cobre.
Estudo do metaboloma salivar e sua associação com a doença periodontal em pacientes com síndrome de Down.
Estudo do metaboloma de biofluidos em pacientes pediátricos nefropatas e sua associação com a doença periodontal.
Produção de microalgas e caracterização de sua composição protêica e lipídica via espectrometria de massas.
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