
5 de abril de 2021

Interview for the Circo da Física – A little bit about myself (Antonio) in a very relaxed chat with the undergrads


VI Regional Congress of the Brazilian Biophysical Society, 2021

  • Mariana Micheletto, “Interaction of genetically encoded photosensitizers with scintillating nanoparticles for X-ray activated photodynamics therapy”


  • Nathan Evangelista, “Construção e caracterização de micro-reatores da proteína clorocatecol 1,2-dioxigenase que utilizam domínios de baixa complexidade como adesivos moleculares”


A short video explaining how the so-called collapse of the health system is achieved in mathematical terms – Partnership with the Institute for Advanced Studies Polo Ribeirão Preto

  • Antonio Costa and the collapse of the health system


IV Winter School on Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology, 2020

  • Antonio Costa, “Biofísica Molecular – O Culpado é sempre o mordomo”